Joseph Douglas Manley
February 15 at 11:25pm ยท
Normally I would not even comment on this ongoing back and forth over the House of the Leader of the Opposition, but he has asked a question publicly that I believe I can shed some light on. He has asked, and I quote:
“Dr. Phillips, as a Parliamentarian earning practically the same salary as the Leader of the Opposition, how did you afford the house you presently live in which is valued at multiple times your salary?”
Peter Phillips is my next door neighbour. We live in the same neighbourhood, and in fact purchased our homes almost at the same time (within a few months of each other if I am not mistaken – it was a long time ago.) I know exactly how much his house was selling for because I almost bought it – I ended up buying the house next door because it was less expensive. In 1991 I bought my house for $1.2 million ($1,200,000). Jamaican dollars. His was somewhere between $50,000 to $100,000 Jamaican dollars more. I am still paying my mortgage by the way. So there you have it. His house would have cost him somewhere in the region of J$1,300,000. Not, I am sure you would agree, an amount of money that would be out of reach.
I would add that he is the most wonderful neighbour you could imagine, quiet, thoughtful humble and totally lacking in ostentation. He has hardly changed his house in 25 years. I think you attacked the wrong person here Mr. Holness. My neighbour Peter clearly has nothing to prove and no need to reinforce his ego with vulgar trappings and oversized mansions. I hope he doesn’t mind my interfering in his business about his house but there is your answer sir – he can afford it on his salary because he lives within his salary.


  1. PNP defending PNP what’s new you’re like father like son go to hell no one ask you for your input, ,,,,btw did you state what was his income in 1991 compare to the purchase at the time

    1. You do realize that the house was bought by both a wife and husband (the Phillips). That mean two incomes…a Minister of Government and an Attorney. You are really dense.

  2. Son u too lie! U r gonna tell me the reader that u r still paying mortgage to date?? Naa i doubt that you r still paying mortgage to date! the father was the best PM Jamaica ever had! Dnt forget he was the one who eradicated classism in schools like PRIORY and CAMPION for those schools were for the upper class people children ONLY! dat man died a pauper! He was for the poooor!

    1. Maybe he did renovations to his home and borrowed from the bank for it. Maybe he took out some sort of home equity loan at some point and just seh him paying mortgage, nuh must be lie, many ppl dweet.

  3. Yuh hear the nastiness too bout bout ego and vulgar trappings and oversized mansions bitch please. All a dem a look pon Andrew like a buttu cause the man take him owna money and build the house of his dreams. It might not be to your liking sir but no need to try out the man because of his preferences. If a did one of your daddy combolo dem build it I bet u wouldn’t have nothing to say. Kmt. Rich Jamaicans don’t like see poor ppl reach nuh weh.

  4. @Kingston 35, you are a straight clown; what’s wrong with what the man did? He neighbor came under attack and he defended him. Would you not do the same for your neighbor? Beyond the house, Peter still has a lot of questions that he needs to answer and no different from Andrew, we will not know Peter’s real wealth as he will ensure that his accountants earn their pay.

  5. This is why I stop commenting, some people take politics to another level, when uno not killing people, uno disrespect people in the worst kind of ways, what that Manley Jr.say that is so offensive to you, @Kingston 35, uno too terrible man! Everyone is going to defend the party that they prefer, but to out right insult people, I am not into that, if anyone noticed, I will always have a soft spot for the PNP, but i rarely say any about the other party,as I am not concerned about them, I am concerned with the party that I support, and I am eager for them to do their best for Jamaica, so I will critic them harshly for their follies, I see people going under each other frock tail for what, I don’t know, I don’t hide my preference, but I will not disrespect anyone for theirs, neither will i allow anyone to diss me over politics that’s not putting food on my table or pay my bills. 2 horse in a race, one is bound to win, so let us wait for the final count and see who the people choose, who knows, Andrew Holness may be our next Priminister of Jamaica.

    1. Manely toilit you cant chat to nobody because you do the most hyprocrite chat ova here. No you call bustamante dunce bat last week? Manley pit toilit kip quiet.

      1. @Ol man comrade, please dispute the fact William Alexander Clarke, the man that you call Bustamante, was not a cerebrally challenged man. Furnish the proof that her did not cognitive limitations.

        1. You is a nedda one to wrap up in a Babylon foolisness.
          The man dunce so till 1938, him kick start the social revolution for self governance, rights of the dispossessed. Same dunce set off the entire fight for independence throughout yhe entire British West Indies. Yeah rasta him did retarded. The pnp party rise off a the fyah ignited by the duncebat. You and skettel a hyprocrite and a pass of Jamaican history fradulently.

        2. Toussaint L’Oveuture you may want to call a duncebat too or a man of cognitivelimitations. Hiya me a go deal wid me empress and come back to you later.
          Met big up you self to the most high because evil can’t derail eternal good.

      1. Di disrespect really getting outa hand and for no reason because I do not think no party has what it takes to bring Jamaica to a better place

        1. Yeah me can say sorry to her. She a bringle bout it cause a natural movement. But yeah me we say bammy sorry and thread pass the reaction, Met.

    1. You ago rewrite histrie fe prove me wrong dread? All what you bring come can’t change the year na de movement.

  6. Thank you Met, you see you ole peeling kin, comrade,u a nuh Manley toilet paper, you is one John crow vomit,and a hog to u walla, nuh nuh have nuh bloody drawz fi guh wash, u come in like crablouse pan dutty front,u caan style mi, u a nasi negga, mi nuh hide mi preference, but period mouth i will have you know that I am more of a prestige in JLP than you could ever be. You street side politician, u caan chat to me, I talk on here all the time, i related to a top ranking Minister, how u nuh know if I am related to the same Bustamante weh u same one claims to be defending, a so uno bloodclaat dead, cause uno f**k wid people and don’t know who them be. And yes Busta did dunce, just like Portia, mi choose fi be a PNP ,because it’s my constitutional rights to be so,and my elected family them know that, and them nuh disown me, so guh tek a Burger King go large straw and guh suck out Mona dam, f**king non entity.

  7. Met, let me and ole peeling kin Comrade guh fi it, cuz mi nah retreat or surrender to no unslate, cuz mi nuh know if he/she caan come mud me, when mi have mi right to choose to support a particular party, every one free to say Portia dunce, it nuh bother me, cause if she dunce she dam dunce, that nah stop me from loving the PNP, just the same way how Busta dunce, and him people them love and support him, I have no problems with it. So bring it on today, one seed boy, miss twin bombo ole dry pussy gal, who ever u be, mi nuh fraid a people, suh gwan beat up ginger finger pan yuh computer, cause u hot fi mi,mek sure yuh get sumpen out of this politics weh yuh a defend. Cause I certainly did, from both sides. F**king lunatic.

    1. Some people take politics to a another level like you say earlier. Peace andd love sistren peace and love. Fyah!

  8. Bammy me nuh get u enuh … one minute you profess god next minute pure dutty claat. You seh JLP curse and will never win again as god send Manley fi rule Jamaica and PNP cyan lose di election. Hold u peace if you possess all this knowledge. ol man comrade is probably a paid party affiliate a do him job ignore them pls.

  9. Anony 1:28 you know i am going to take your advice and chill, cause mi leff politics for years now, mi nuh suppose to in a this back and forthing wid no one over nuh JLP or no JLP, Sketel good again, thanks anonymous for bringing me back to reality.

  10. And I will accept your apology, because I never hate anyone for their beliefs or preference, I just don’t like the disrespect and people calling people out of their names it’s petty. Mi good again like i said before. No more dissing, straight up reasoning. One love.

  11. @Ol man comrade Norman Manley, the very person who agitated for and introduced Universal Adult Suffrage to Jamaica, is the very person who first championed for the independence for the entire english speaking Caribbean. I hope you know what Universal Adult Suffrage is–before that juncture, privileged landowners were the only ones who were permitted vote.
    Norman Manley wanted absolute independence from the British Crown–for the entire english speaking Caribbean. Do you know who fought against that? One William Alexander Bustamante. I wonder why he was knighted by the Queen in 1952–way before the independence of 1962? Bustamante, knowing that his influence was not going to transcend the Jamaican shores, sabotaged Norman Manley’s efforts. After Bustamante began to fight Norman, Mr. Manley concluded that the people should decide and Bustamante took advantage of such and spread all manner of propaganda.
    Ultimately, the under educated electorate, sided with Bustamante and the West Indies Federation fell apart.
    In an effort to salvage ‘independence’ for Jamaica, the Rhodes Scholar barrister, Norman Manley cheered the independence committee for Jamaica and lead the delegates to London’s Lancaster House to further fight for and secure that which is called independence in Jamaica. Look at all the documents and tell me if I am wrong? Bustamante was absent–Edwin Allen represented him in all of the proceeds. He only showed up after the fact. I dare you to disprove such.
    If not for Bustamante, Jamaica would have been truly independent. He just could not deny his personal interest. This is the man who was bank rolled by the BITU’s money; the very money that workers paid so that they could be supported by that union.
    With Sir Alexander Bustamante being the first Jamaican Prime Minister, show me one document that he wrote? History shows that the man’s highest level of education was that of the primary level. He himself stated that he is not one for speeches and the written references–Norman Manley did it all. See if you can dispute my facts.
    I can go on and on about Bustamante and his well documented limitations.

    1. 21/5/1938 Kingston wharf stevadore strike start bustamante off. British release jim from the sedition charge which see clarke na.. bustamante union…that bring him cousin and rhodes scholar manley in a de ting. you a manipulate facts.

    2. you a talk like a no poor people wi de same level a abc de man did a represent. You wan rewrite histrie but it done write. you want fi discredit him and rewrite histrie iyah tings no set so.

      1. Ol man comrade. haha, brethren, please stop with your foolishness. Bustamante was all about his personal gain. I am curious, why did Bustamante change his name to that of a man who befriended him?
        What I wrote can be proven and if you want, I can send you said facts for you to verify for yourself.
        Bustamante is one of the biggest con man and opportunists Jamaica has ever seen. A so it go still, mi nuh expect you to know these things.

  12. Ol man comrade talk about a 1938 revolution without realizing that what Bustamante did was form the Bustamante Industrial Trade Union to represent workers. Only to use their money for his personal interest. The man was appointed leader for life and he had unlimited access to the dues that were paid by the workers.
    That was the ultimate rocket and a full time people wake up and live. In lieu of forming a union, why didn’t Bustamante agitate for Universal Adult Suffrage in Jamaica. Without a vote, the masses are voiceless.

  13. @Lalibela times have changed so much over the years, but these are some of the main reasons why the country hold on to the PNP with dear life, when I state on here that I am a in house politician, people may think that I am lying, I am from a prominent labor party family in Jamaica, the fact of the matter is, these heads of government don’t fight with them one another like the activist on the streets of the ghettos, hence forth I had access to the people involved with both parties, when they had open discussions , we were always around, I became acquainted with Mr. Manley at age 6, I loved his policies more than that of my own family members, I listened as a child, and Michael made more sense to me, and i am not going to bash my own families on here, just to put them on blast for the corruptions that the party has done to the country, what we as a people need to do is come together as one a nation, stop the division, let us work as one, whatever the country is lacking, if we can help, if we are in the position, I think we should. Let me state my position, because sometimes I come off very hostile and not get the message across, being a politician is all about helping to better the economic and social concerns of the massive, that’s why I loved Manley, it is not about segregation and division, as a community leader, of which I was, I never let politics come before an individual, my best friends were supporters of the other party, I stood up for equal rights and justice, what ever program I had in place in my community, everyone benefitted, when I gave money that was given to me for the people, I gave every one, no one was different in my eyes, so when I hear persons saying that they care about the people if a particular party wins, or they won’t contribute, I just don’t get it, are we going to sit and fold our hands and let our country go down in a hole because no one cares to make difference. We can’t we just try to form a third party, since these 2 care zero about the people, or go in and have some serious talks with whoever wins this election, I am sure there’s a lot of brilliant minds here,we could put our ideas across the board, but try to build a better country for the future of our children.

  14. I am sure we could Met, but reason I think it is not happening is because we’re only looking in just 2 directions for a way out, PNP/JLP they’re set in them ways, which is to drain the life out of the poor people, all the educated people latch on to one or the other,and even when they came out positive to help the people, they too over a period of time became corrupted, and they will even kill you if you are not mind full of what you say or do,for everyone is involved on both sides they are the ones benefitting, not the poor.

  15. @Sketelbam I am on board with you wholeheartedly. Politicians represent each and every demographic and this is why we won’t see much change. In an effort to please party and politicians, most Jamaicans vote against their own best interest.
    How do you bring ideas to a non-thinking person? How do we get people to buy into facts? Look at how individuals were calling up Douglas Manley’s name, accusing him of things, when the man is dead?
    We desperately need to drop the tribalistic politics and start discussing ideas.

  16. What happened to the WPJ party? I remember hearing lots about them when I was a youngin, but nutten these days. Wasn’t Bruce Golding heading the WPJ at one point?

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