6 thoughts on “MARRIED AND A HIDE IT

  1. Girl confused and dead ass stupid….

    Sit your nasty ass down and wait pan that married man to divorce his wife and and be with you, damn fool…

    Women like you with 0 self worth and ambition allow these nasty, dirty men to keep doing these things.

    Tell this man to take the time and get his priorities and emotions together…

    You lonely desperate ass….

  2. A weh this idiot yah come from man, y’all females are fucking repulsive. She carefully sneak in the “tbh we are engaged” in the end as if she wants someone to feel sorry for her. If u have to be asking, then u already have the answer. Close your legs to married men.

  3. A few of y’all comments fucks me up! Y’all blame the woman when the man should be the blame. HE married and took a vow! Y’all always come after the other woman instead of dealing with “your husband” and y’all keep taking him back! Especially when he’ll keep fucking doing it. You accept it so shut the fuck up and continue playing the wife, feed your kids, cook, clean and work, then go to sleep at night KNOWING “YOUR HUSBAND” is a whore until one of the following: you finally get tired and leave him, he get his papers and leave you or he leaves you because he used you up. She’s not the fuck married and when she found out she was in deep! Some of y’all act like you’ll don’t know how that shit is to love someone and find out they’re not who they say they are… all of us women been hurt before.

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