Good night pink wall this is my story please hide my id dont let no one know its me just seeking some help ,am a married woman get invole with a next man because at the time i was struggling so i went to this man bar to work an all was well so till one day he start to let me know him want me ,i never agree him bother me so till me decide to have fun so we went ,i use protection but seems like him burst it an i got pregnant so him claim say him want me fi me self but just want to mash up my relationship ,him dont pay me no mine in the pregancy i suffer tears when my husband ask me y crying i said nothing so him say it must be something , but i cant tell him ,so him hush me ,any way when the child born i put her in my husband name then i tell him one evening he was mad any ways him decide to forgive me now i got sick send the child to his sister to spend time never know that all now i cant get well so them have the child all now ,so every time she do things wrong them ago carry her come ,so i say ok but i need some support for the child the man know that the child is ,his child but dont want to giver her nothing just tthought the name but please advise me how can i get help i really need it please remember to hide my identity thank you.
Are you still working under your boss/baby fada?. Why are you hesitating to take him to court?. Your husband doesn’t want the child around and he certainly is not giving you a dime for her. You don’t have many options. It seems like you don’t have any children with your husband. I am surprised he’s still there. Don’t let that child be bouncing from house to house. You need a better or second income, the church handout or the courthouse. Best of luck.
All dem thing yah now,a 2020 and you si how di man a kill dem woman fi bun and you not only gi bun yu breed,you and yu boss a fcuk like dog bout 1 time,from yu gu work fi him money blind yu,su cheat pon yu husband and paying the ultimate price
OK Max the perfect one the angel, GOD right hand man Max you are so perfect. The girl asked for ideas to help her she did ask you to read her story then use it to criticise her. I am sure you are not perfect either and we all make mistakes. Shut u nasty mouth if you dont have anything to say positive. The lady knows she already made a mistake. shut up man people like uno u see damm stupid bitch all if u a man u sound like a damm bitch.
Your comments suggest you, yourself, catch a few bellies for your ex-bosses over the years. Clearly, you have no moral compass and an imbecile to boot! How many kids do you have by different baby-fathers? Let me guess….five, for five different fathers.
1. Miss get a Job simple or go learn a trade do something legal that can generate some income and let your child stay with some good familiy member and take care of your child, or you leave your husband and you and your child live together and you take care of your child. when uno make these mistakes no one can help uno only money can help .
What I cannot understand is how the sender so sure it is the boss child and not the husband?