The article was submitted and therefore we have to call them allegations…So allegedly Moe hates Mavado etc..I must also say that I have a lot of documentation regarding the below submission but because of the information on them I havent posted….
Moe and her evil mother
(ALLEGEDLY)Mother like daughter (MOE) MAVADO WIFE.
Moe and mavado been separated for over two years. Moe live in ATL with her kids and mavado live in Florida. Moe mother hate mavado I know this for a fact because she alway say that she hate gully side people but her and her daughter benefit from Gullyside men. Moe mother is the reason her and the singer relationship didn’t work because she wanted to control Moe relationship and trained her to thief man things like she did.Moe mother name is Andrea AKA Charmaine and her daughters been know as a gold diggers. The family of women I should say.
(ALLEGEDLY)Mavado let his family control his money and Moe didn’t like that because she wanted mavado investments to be in her name to rob him. A Moe go after mavado when she meet him. Mavado took care of this girl and her family for years but they started to diss him when other too man come around and started to give them including Happi (from happilous entertainment) Since him and MOE left him look better and gain all weight.
(ALLEGEDLY)Moe never had a job and have high school level of education so she plan to put mavado on child support. Moe has no side hustle beside she look to date mam with money. She was f**** NULLY while with Singa because she was getting weed from him. And now she f**g a big man in ATL I won’t say his name.
(ALLEGEDLY)Moe didn’t like mavado mother and daughter and it’s on the streets (Edited) r. Moe love go obeah man a regular she go and one of her good friend from Miami tell people that more carry stone , lime and blue in her purse. Moe is know to be involved In obeah and mavado wanted to get away from that.
(ALLEGEDLY )Moe mother Andrea aka Charmaine ( The Glamorous Street dog) and her step father both got deported between 2003-2007. The step father name is ITAL from cassava piece who is a well know weed dealer in the past and everybody know him as QUICK COOK father. That’s how MOE meet Vado through the connection of ITAL.
(ALLEGEDLY)After they got deported Moe mother agreed to give ITAL half of his properties since he was the man and she was his women but instead she put everything in her mother and other family name. ITAl at the time didnt want things in his name since he was high profile but where he went wrong was not putting things in his name or any of his family. ITAL and Andrea have 1 daughter together who I believe is a minor. When moe granny die ITAL house was in her name and Charmaine gifted herself the house and put it in her daughter by ITAL and her name.
(ALLEGEDLY )Charmaine forged her dead mother signature to transfer the property to her. Charmaine mother Pamela suckra die 9/21 and she signed that her mother gifted the home march of 2022. The man has been homeless and begging Charmaine to put his name on his house but Charmaine tell everybody she is going to sell it and give him half of the money. Yesterday I just stop and give ITAL a money because that man was the DADS and nuff top man rate him. Ital bought the land to build a plaza in the square of Anotto BAY and the lady side step him and use his money with her current man (Woody )owner of STAINLESS STEEL bus who has a wife in Connecticut money to build up the plaza. Woody have a store on the man plaza and all bar.
MOE and her mother told ITAL that his 30 acres of land was taken away by the Jamaican government due to unpaid taxes.
ALLEGEDLY)ITAL checked with the landing Agency and found out Charmaine been paying the taxes and the man plaza is in MOE and her step grandfather name ERROL GADDAIRE. Bwoy this family EVIL and MOE know ITAL use to take care of her and their ENTIRE FAMILY and wouldn’t even try to tell her mother to give ITAL something.
Charmaine put the 30 acres of land under a company ITAL and her named. When ITAL show me the papers it’s moe mother and two of her family name on the man land. Charmaine recently applied for that title as well.
(ALLEGEDLY)Only thing MOE said to ITAL is do you have documentation, if you do take it to court. MOE want ITAL investments since she couldn’t get VADO’s.
(ALLEGEDLY)MOE and her mother are evil, after Moe granny die of Covid mind you MOE and mavado wasn’t together and she and the kids flew to ATL often moe and her mother blamed her cousin NATOYA for given the lady Covid and they called immigration on Natoya and told the government Natoya is married to her cousin that she now faces deportation for the fake marriage. Moe mother threat her own niece and told her to (Edited) herself and that she needed to move out the house she was helping her grand mother paying rent and NATAYO moved out. Moe and her children live in that same house. Natoya mother is my good friend and she is stressing about this because she can’t believe Natoya own family call immigration.
When MOE mother wonder why her daughter and her mother die it’s because of the Wicked things them she do to people and it back fired.
Crickets chirps*
No Sender, just write Mavado Biography and done. Because you just write a book with the people dem business
Red eye long eye gal sheep in wolf clothing mother wicked daughter wicked but the truth a come out if a nuh by will a by force the two witches of st mary
Them ppl dh a longtime mi know dem a evil give d man him house and gwey mi know dah marriage dh neva did ago last long
What this have to do with Vado though ? It’s mostly about mow and her family .
Y’all don’t even got the right story so if u gonna talk shit atleast get the info right 😹
That was a lot to digest. Mighty word😕
Why people so wicked man? Smh