Sher Rica is with Kay Smith Jõhñsóñ and Tami Tude in London, United Kingdom.
8 hrs ·

Imagine you got pregnant, with your first child and suffered from postpartum psychosis. You overcame it and although not planned fell pregnant again . You have bonded with your child, started preparing for his arrival , picking names , feeling him move inside you the whole works. You do your checkups just to make sure all is well. However the information from the hospital and clinic don’t add up and with each visit your due date changes as they say the baby is too small . You listen to them afteral you trust these medical professionals what do you know ? Deep down you know something is not right and every-time you feel a change you go to them as you are trying to be extra careful. Even when you are having contractions and dilated you go because you desperately want to see your child birth goes well . Several times they dismiss your symptoms and send you home saying the baby is too small pushing your due date back by near a month. You know the baby is overdue but then again the doctors say otherwise . On one occasion you are sent to the labour room ( bear in mind you had to have a Cesarian section as the previous one wasn’t healed properly so you couldn’t have a natural birth) . You were told after trying to give birth you are not ready and again sent home . Eventually your mom looks at you in pain and sees the baby stiffening in your stomach and tells you to go to the doctor as something is not right . You are rushed to surgery and you deliver a baby who is 7.6 lbs . You are excited he is here you can see his face the face of the movement! (Bear in mind they kept telling you your baby was too small and delayed his birth even though a child can be born at 7 months). Ok it’s over you have had your child you get to see him but you are told that he was OVERDUE and as a result his bowels opened and his poo got in his lungs and he’s having breathing complications. You are shattered , that’s your baby your had him for 9 months +. He’s in tubes and struggling to breathe . You are then told he has a 50 50 chance as there is no ventilator at the hospital , no ambulance and the hospital they are calling in the city has no capacity. You are in pain, you cry as you see your helpless baby struggling to breathe and be given oxygen that was too strong for his fragile body. After being alive for a day he succumbs to his infection he drowns or dry drowned the doctors say from his own poo. !!! No doctor or nurse cAme to offer condolences and no counsellor on site . You cry as you feel the pain in your stomach as you ache for the baby you carried for 9months ! You are told you have 5 days to take the body otherwise they will cremate it . You are not prepared or financially stable to bury a child , you came in to give birth!! You are given dph for the pain and despite saying you want to leave because seeing others on the ward with there child reminded you of your loss your were blanked out . No CARE professional approached you to just be human ! None !! Thank God for family and friends! Then to add insult to injury you are told ‘Get up off the bed we need it for another mother. Im not asking you I’m telling you” by a nurse!! How cold hearted and wicked can you be ? She needs to be sacked!! Your mother had to run to the hospital and get mad for you to be put back on the bed?? This is after you just registered a dead baby and seeing his lifeless body !!How would you feel being treated like a 2nd class citizen by the persons who misinformed you ? Where is the CARE in the caring profession?? Where is the empathy and why this blatant disregard for human life due to negligence?? This is the story of my beautiful nephew who is playing with the angels Zy’Rique Johnson. Mandeville Regional Hospital Jamaica West Indies saw you as nothing but the world will know you as Someone! Someone who could have been a doctor, teacher , lawyer, president if only given a chance ! Nothing can ever fill the void my sister is feeling but I owe it to you to share your story ! We need to create awareness , not because healthcare is free , you should go this way ! Life is priceless! Too many persons know someone it has happened to and they get away with it over and over why ? Why is this a norm ?? It’s pathetic and sickening ! How would you feel if the shoe was on the other foot . I want an investigation and media attention around your story just so prospective mothers are informed and to ensure these professionals do there job! Mind you we acknowledge the superhero medical professionals! Hats off to you and we appreciate your service but the few bad apples are ruining the healthcare in Jamaica ! Why is negligence and malpractice the norm ?? It is with a heavy heart I write my sister’s story as I know she is inconsolable! My nephew , no baby no human deserved to die the way Zy did. (I have heard that the day you died the hospital got a ventilator I hope this is not true because if they had it all along you would have been here today ). I take comfort in knowing that you are with the angels, it doesn’t fill the gap but we know you are in a better place and pain free! Sleep in perfect peace Gods beautiful creation. Zy’Rique Johnson Dec 19-20 2017! Looooove you!😭😭😭😭😭🙏🙏😭😭 I would have traded places with you in a heartbeat ! 🎼 Farther along we’ll know all about it
Farther along we’ll understand why
Cheer up my brother live in the sunshine
We’ll understand it all by and by🎼🎼


  1. What a terrible heartbreak for a mother and child!
    Rest In Peace child.
    May God comfort you mother in time of your loss.

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