Death squad’ cop admits being part of team that killed ‘Gutty’ Dawkins

The jury at the trial of Police Constable Collis ‘Chucky’ Brown on Thursday heard another recording in which the cop admitted to being a part of a special police team that allegedly carried out the killing of Robert ‘Gutty’ Dawkins in Clarendon nine years ago.

During the August 10, 2013 interview, Constable Brown told INDECOM investigators that he and members of his team shot dead Mr. Dawkins based on instructions from his commanders.

Constable Brown said Mr. Dawkins was killed in a drive-by shooting in January 2009.

The constable admitted to being the driver.

He said he and his team also shot dead Andrew Fearon and Dwayne Douglas along the Swansea road in Clarendon on December 13, 2012.

He claimed they were given instructions to kill the men who were involved in the kidnapping of a teenage girl in Mandeville, Manchester.

He said two illegal guns were seized in the vehicle in which the men were travelling.

According to Constable Brown, his commanders in Clarendon would regularly inform the Police Commissioner’s Office of their missions.

In the audio, Constable Brown told INDECOM that most of the senior cops in Clarendon knew of their missions to target and kill suspected criminals in the parish.

He said CIB detectives would assist them in tidyng up crime scenes before INDECOM investigators arrived.

He added that statements were also carefully crafted by a team of officers as part of the death squad operations.

Constable Brown also told INDECOM investigators that guns were planted at crime scenes by the police.


  1. What Chucky Brown did was necessary to curb criminals in May Pen. They killed no innocents and the justice system has never been responsible for punishing criminals and protecting witnesses, thus the necessity for the Police Death Squad. Now Indecom is targeting these policemen and allowing gunmen and murders to roam at their leisure and the result is an alarmingly high crime rate in the country and the citizens held hostage by fear. The country is being controlled by criminals and I don’t see the sense in targeting these police officers who were just making the country safer, Indecom needs to mind their business because they are not the ones living in fear. Leave the police death squad alone so they can clean up jamaica and curb crime. The government needs to chose their battles, go after the criminals and murderers and give the police force your full support so that we the citizens can stop living in fear. We are not gonna testifyi at any court house against no gunman because we don’t wanna become the next victim. Kmt

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