Trial begins for three more cops implicated in police “death squad”

The trial of three other members of the Clarendon Police Division accused of being part of a so called “death squad” commenced Monday afternoon before the Home Circuit Court.

Detective Corporal Kevin Adams, District Constable Howard Brown and Constable Carl Bucknor are on trial for the murder of Andrew Bisson in Hayes, Clarendon.

Mr. Bisson was fatally shot on September 5, 2011.

Prior to jury selection Monday afternoon, defence attorneys applied to trial judge Chief Justice Bryan Sykes for a detailed check of potential jurors.

They urged the judge to ask members of the jury pool whether they or members of their families have had run-ins with the police.

The application was refused.

Earlier on Monday, the Chief Justice also criticised the prosecutors after it was revealed that they submitted a new indictment on Friday with a list of 26 witnesses.

The previous indictment contained the names of 16 witnesses.

The Chief Justice told the prosecutors they were seeking to have an adjournment with the late filing of the indictment as this would leave the defence at a disadvantage.

The Chief Justice insisted that he would not adjourn the trial.

Prosecutors are to outline their case Tuesday morning.

Two weeks ago, Constable Collis Chucky Brown was convicted for his role in the so called “death squad”.

Meanwhile, defence attorneys on Monday complained to the trial judge about the policemen being labelled as members of a police death squad.

Attorney K. Churchill Neita insisted that there is no evidence that the policemen were members of a death squad and the media should desist from using the term.

He said the use of the term “death squad” in the media will prejudice the case against his clients.

Chief Justice Bryan Sykes also cautioned members of the media about the use of the term when reporting on the case.


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