Residents in Negril, Westmoreland have identified Ayele Russell as the man in an online video seen showing off high-powered guns and boasting about his ability to use them.

Russell allegedly murdered his girlfriend and buried her beneath the floor of his West End home in the resort town.

A photograph shows the man posing with two rifles.

As he flirts in the video, telling a “girl” he loved her, Russell could be heard saying “wang! wang! wang! wang!” seemingly imitating the sound of gunfire.

Then he said, “A joke, me nah squeeze it… yuh mad!”

The man then proceeded to show a loaded magazine and what appears to be an UZI sub machine gun, while boasting about the power of the weapons and how much he wanted to fire them.

Russell would later describe himself as a man with two distinct personas – good and evil.

“Me is a man who just haunted, yuh see mi! Girl yuh nuh understand mi, girl. Mi love laugh and t’ing but yow, there is total different sides of me, there is a evil side and there is a good side. Mi love you, mi love you, mi really do love yuh,” the man said, while holding another weapon close to the camera.

Acting on information, last Wednesday, the police went to Russell’s house, in the Pee Wee Lane section of West End in search of his girlfriend, 24-year-old Nadian Dyer and her three-year-old daughter, Orlandie Malcolm, who were last seen in Russell’s company two months ago.

The police allegedly kicked down the door to the room, which Russell and Dyer occupied and were hit by a stench caused by partially dried blood on the walls and the floor of the room.

Following a search, a grave was located under a bed.

Dyer’s body was subsequently found in the grave, wrapped in several garbage bags.

“Like you, we have seen the video and we are quite disturbed by what we have seen in it. We are not going to confirm or deny that the man in the video and photograph is Russell. That is something that the experts will do,” said a Negril-based policeman, who asked not to be identified.

“However, based on all the circumstances, we would really like to locate Mr Russell,” he said.

It is believed that Russell left the island close to two months ago for the United States of America.


  1. What a way Mr Asshole a challenge him inner Superman?!?! It look like say nothing is off limits fe him! You gotta be a sadistic MF to abuse or kill a baby, so he deserves a sadistic death in return. Tit to de bloodcleet Tat mi say!!!!!!!

    Everyday we read about the savagery that happens in Jamaica when it comes to crime. According to news sources, the murder rate is now an average 7 a day!(and dat a only wey dem know bout) Can you imagine that?

  2. Wow! I don’t know where to begin. Somebody, anybody come kick off the conversation den duh.

  3. This a mad man in clean clothes and now him no sa any body that’s keeping him he will soon kill them too

  4. They need to capture that crazy beast before he harms anyone else. I could never in my right mind get or stay involved with anyone that is fascinated with guns.

    Look at the high power rifle that he is posing with and he is not part of the army.

    Here him gaza boss, adding credibility to the argument that kartel is to blame for much of the wrong doings that have occurred on the island

  5. Some women are just attracted to these pretty faced bad boys, because dem claim dem nuh “boring,” and their is a certain excitement with dating these men. Ladies, the worse thing about dating a bad boy is that they are, in fact, bad. Bad for your life and welling being. RIP young lady and I hope someone turns in this monster soon.

  6. Look at this fu@king fool! Woe, be onto you, motherfu@ker!!!!! May your days be shortly numbered! May you live to know NO (0) peace!!!!! Death and ETERNAL MISERY, be onto you!!!!!

  7. Why it so hard for them to cooperate with America to find him. Yet if he was in Jamaica he would be found if US want him . I been had this video and yes a him same one who had the riffle them. All a them haunted him and him brother them cursed. I just want hear say them grab him .

  8. May God have mercy on the EVIL womb that bring fourth this piece of doodoo, wicked rass, this is what you call son of a BITCH. It seems the young lady daughter that cannot be found is not His child, lord have mercy, I hope he wasn’t molesting the poor baby.

  9. She should have known better than to be with this nigga. Can you imagine how many ppl he killed and told her about it n she still stayed and perhaps help to hide him from police. Her dealings with him led to her demise. I hope all the other gangster lover dem see this n take heed.

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