Good night Met,
I must say I love your Column. For some its just a Column for people like me its a way to release some hidden pain without the world knowing who you are.
I was reading some of your articles and I saw the ones about IOCTANe and tears came to my eyes. Met I met him at an event, he was really nice and we eventually started to date (that is what I thought).
Like the others, he said he was not married and that I should not have any other man with him. That he is my man from now on. We never had protected sex and I accept that I was careless. After a bout 3 to 4 months in the relationship, he started to be distant and if I asked he would curse me like a dawg. I remember one night I slept at the house and I left early in the morning and he never took back a call from me until 1 week past. That’s when I decided that this made no sense.
Ioctane has destroyed me emotionally sometimes I honestly think he is mad. I was so bruised that I almost ………………….sigh. Why did I not see this before it happened? I hope other women speak out or at least start respecting themself more.
I blame myself and take full responsibility. I am not looking pity I am just saying sometimes we see these men and think their smile is genuine and they mean you good but they do not. Ladies becareful of some of these men, I have learnt and I am sorry I was not more observant before I allowed him to get in my head and break me.
People critize the senders a lot rather than encourage them because we sometime make mistakes and really did not know that things like these would reach me. Let me admit before the senders make me feel worst than I already feel. I know I was dumb to but I did not know what I was getting into.
I believe sender! Same way when he met my friend he was talking about “breeding” her like it was nothing. Just learn from your mistake.
Sigh oh lord. A so hot rass a gwan? All fi him wife smfh him must diss she all d while dat bwoy no have no manners,wonder what she a stay inna d marriage fa cause me couldn’t tek dem ya sinting deh.
Sender no Jamaican artist have one woman, and we just saying if u nuh strong and decide to share him then run from the heat. Octane is fully married u can go look on his wife face book page, not only is he married he has been well married for 7-8 years now. Although he is married he is having an out right relationship with his publicist Sasha blind which his wife Kerine knows about and she has to accept it. I have heard many nasty things about octane and even how he handle the whole Amber situation should mek Uno know say octane a low life nasty dirty pig. Look how long the dog shit took to admit dj Amber daughter was his. His wife have 2 kids for him I hope she nuh have no more because him gonna be very broke soon because him have quite a few outside kids. Octane is no good man, sender while I empathize again, which Jamaican reggae artist nuh fuk a bag a gal, show me one or tell me one. When Uno see red flag as a woman we fi forget the heart n think with our head and run the other way. Sorry he broke u sender but Uno can inspire other young girls to stay away from Jamaican low lives dancehall n reggae artist because most of Dem nuh good if only uno know Dem love life Uno would never look at them the same way Uno do now. Sender try heal fast.
Nuh him married to di preacher dawta?
Sir..yu need cut dem locks deh . u ARE an imposta rasta :ngakak
Maybe unweaved them. Most of what you see these guys have are actually not real locks. Plus, Octane, like 90% of these artists are NOT Rastafarians.
I knew he was an asshole!!! He is highly disrespectful and now I hate him even more
Anybody who mi spirit just can’t tek something not right