1. The man was great man no matter nobody has to say
      If him still alive most of the people want even speak

      1. :ngakak if you Lalibella Nile have fi quote the title then the question was a true violation lolol
        Unless the person a signal us to some other “fact” 😀

  1. Can’t be good when you send man ho shoot and kill people. Shoot people kid. To all wicked evil people your day is coming under the sun. You run from man but u can’t run from Gods justice.

  2. General where. You all some ediots but in life man plan but God have the blue print. Him think him was going to get deport and go kill more people. Right. When innocent blood cry you stunted. So to you that’s your general go repent and stop kill innocent people your day coming too. I cannot idolized criminal elements that think they bad. Its only leads to death or prison.

  3. The world is build off it you criminal activity helped probably start that same job u got so nobody wants to hear what u have to say.. Fox was what he was he did for people all people real boss bless him wherever he reach .. He essnt the type a person to walk around n brag about stuff simple dude him pazza to a lot of people are hurt of the lost food is gone be off a lot of people tables … Fox a real don never snitch on nobody bless many big spender crew !!! RiP the great fox

  4. If you did have a job and not depending on him to feed whomever go do you own thing and put your food on your table.Go look a job if you hungry. By the sweat of your own hands you shall eat.give him a good burial please because he did so much good for you. Give him that much respect. Him gone now him pay for his sin. Go repent from yours. I work for mine.America have the Feds and police to curb crime they are paid to do their job. So if you don’t want to be snitched on go work. A snitching a do it now. Is the in thing.

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