Only God is Worthy of Worship
“And the people kept shouting, “The voice of a god and not of a man!” Then immediately an angel of the Lord struck him, because he did not give glory to God. And he was eaten by worms and died. But the word of God grew and multiplied. (Acts 12:22-23)
Herod of Agrippa was judged the moment his ego grew out of proportion and he began to accept worship as if he was God. He was the benefactor of the people of Tyre and Siddon and for some reason he was angry with them. The people sensing that their existence was threatened because they depended on him for food decided to lobby his personal assistant and have a consultative meeting with Herod. On that fateful day, Herod made a grand speech that made the people worship him. Fear and awe of the one true God should have led him to protest, but he didn’t. For his failure to “give glory to God,” he was immediately struck by an angel of the Lord. He suffered an excruciating death because of his lack of reverence for God.
Everywhere, people talk and boast and sound as though they are God: politicians, chief executives of corporations, police men, doctors and nurses, even bus drivers and conductors, pastors and deliverance ministers; each of all decrees as though he is God. But in the book of acts and its consequences, we are bound to learn much of the vanities of men. King Herod, dressed in his royal robe, delivered an oration to an audience eager to sing his praise. He so lost himself in their flattery that he could not stop the abomination that cost him his life. To fear the Lord means according Him all reverence, trust, and awe; acknowledging His sovereignty and submitting to His law. He is worthy.
Liberation Thought: The wicked will never live long, good lives, for they do not fear God; their days will never grow long like the evening shadows.
Further Reading: Psalm 115:1-2