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Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand. For these seven lamps represent the eyes of the LORD that search all around the world.” Zechariah 4:10
In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth in a process that began with the first step of creating light and separating it from the darkness that covered the formless mass. That was all God did for the entire day and in subsequent days He created the sky, land, plants, animals and everything else that exists on earth today. But all the wonders we see today began with what might be considered a “tiny first step” of creating light. Anything big start with something small; nothing great or splendid is created suddenly. Life is a process of development that happens step by step. Each step must be diligently and duly done; little by little. You cannot just sit back and fold your arms, doing nothing and expect things to just happen. Even worse is to reject little opportunities to start and just sitting back and waiting for the big opportunity you think you deserve.
Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises; from little acorns, oak trees grow. Moreover it should be noted that the courage that it takes to work at a small opportunity is the same courage it takes to work at big opportunities. You will never do great things if you cannot do small things in a great way. It is said that people who think they are too big to do little things are perhaps too little to be asked to do big things. This is typical of people who come to church expecting to be “adored” in the same way that the people who work for them or look up to them outside do. Such people are very arrogant because of how much they have been able to achieve in their career or business and they bring the same arrogance to church thinking that because they are the CEO of their company, they should also be the senior Pastor of the church or leader of whatever group they belong to. Whatever dreams you may have in life are achievable if you will find the courage to start with the little that God puts at your disposal. The disciples disregarded the two little fishes and five loaves of bread not knowing that was enough material needed to work the miracle they needed to feed the multitude.
Liberation thought: A tiny seed in my hand is mighty in God’s hand
Further reading: Matthew 14:13 – 21
• Every power that is working against my miracle expire and disappear now by fire
• From today, I am rooted in the knowledge of the word which will bring my liberation in Jesus name
• Power to be rooted in the knowledge of the word, come upon me now
Thank you.