Vere PE teacher accused of beating student with ‘PVC’ pipe suspended by school

Embattled Vere Technical High School’s physical education teacher Sashauna Wellington was on Wednesday suspended by the school pending investigation into the alleged “PVC pipe” beating of 13-year-old student athlete Moesha James on November 1.

On Tuesday, November 13, Wellington was arrested and charged with occasioning actual bodily harm and was released on bail.

She was supposed to have appeared before the court yesterday in Lionel Town, but the case was not mentioned.

Young James, a promising 800m runner, received damage to her hands and legs during the alleged incident and was instantly transferred from Vere Technical to Hydel High.

Ann-Marie James, mother of Moesha, said she had to take her daughter to the hospital following the beating which left her hands and legs swollen.

According to James, her daughter said she was feeling sick and was sent to her dorm by Wellington, who later called her back onto the field and allegedly beat her with the PVC pipe.

Upon hearing what transpired, James went to the school for clarity, and claimed Wellington admitted beating her daughter.

“I went by the school and I spoke to the VP (vice-principal) then she sent me to the dean of discipline and she said she wasn’t aware of it. Anyway, she send call the coach that did it and when she came in the office, she said this is Moesha, you know her and this is Moesha mom, I understand that you hit the child and she (Wellington) just jump up and said yes miss, I had to whop up Moesha skin yesterday because she want to go no training and the girl has potential,” said James.

When the Jamaica Observer contacted Wellington for her comment on the allegation, her response was. “Sir it is what it is. Whatever you say or they say.”

When asked again if that was her official response, Wellington added: “I have no idea what you talking about. I can’t recall. I don’t know what you talking about. Moesha James is a student where? I don’t know what you talking about. It is what it is, have a good evening,” said Wellington.

However, not satisfied with the school’s handling of the matter, James went a step further and reported the incident to the Hayes Police in Clarendon.


  1. She had no damn right to assault the ppl Dem Pickney!!!Would Usain Bolt have reached his full potential if he was being whooped with harmful objects!!??Losing her job too good ,so Straight prison like 4months stretch Fi har!

  2. And she has no remorse. Wow! I actually wouldn’t be mad if the mother did “come uppa school” and fuck her up. She buck up inna a calm mother.

  3. A last night Mi a tell mi nephew seh when mi a go school mi and no PE teacher cannot get on, is like dem tek the word PHYSICAL to another level. One a dem did cuss mi out inna 8th grade and even though mi neva cuss har back she still neva satisfied with my indifference, so she took her bad ass self to the back of the class where she had sent me to stand earlier and gi mi one bc lick cross mi back with har thick leather belt..don’t underestimate the reflex of a 13 yo, when I grab Di belt and wheel it round mi hand she panicked, When I wheel it out back again 8 years of karma came crashing down on that bish like lightening and thunder..I got three days suspension, she wasn’t happy about that either, so she expelled herself that same week and I, thankfully, never had to see her again. If this was my child, when I done with this bish shi nuh teach again like Ms Bernard, is like dem come fi tek out all a fi dem failures pon people pickney and you never see these hoes bullying the boys ennuh, always a girl child who they see as vulnerable and or have ‘potential’, but at the same time trying everything to get you kicked out, smh, lock up har bc!

  4. Why do adults routinely not believe young ppl when they say they are not feeling well?
    Perhaps her period just started or was going to start and she felt awful. Stop assuming children are lying when they say they feel unwell. Even employers give sick days to their adult staff so why should young people not be afforded the same courtesy and at least be trusted that they are telling the truth.

    Corporal punishment was banned specifically to protect young people from fanatics like this teacher. If someone hold her and beat her with a pvc pipe it would be considered a violent assault, but they think they should get a free pass for violently assaulting students. Revoke her license, if she can beat someone with a pvc pipe she has no business being an educator and eating taxpayers money at that.

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