Have a Read
I am writing this letter laying out my case as to why I signed the letter to Dr Phillips. Having been elected now four times by the people from a rural constituency to serve in the Houses of Parliament my heart is full and I will declare first that being a politician I know you will read and say they are all a set of liars and thieves. If you feel that way after you finish reading, I beg for your forgiveness.
I will start sometime in May 2015, Dr Phillips went to Clarendon and announced the general election 18 months before its scheduled due date; no other than the then general secretary Paul Burke had to call him and remind him that the only person who could call the elections is Prime Minister Portia Simpson. One would think Dr Phillips would stop but no he didn’t, he then came to cabinet in 2015 and said we had to call the elections because he could not craft a budget for 2016. Let me remind you, in 2016 the same Ministry of finance that could not find the money or craft a budget for the country saw and got the 1.5 from the JLP, plus they launched the biggest infrastructure project with money that the same Dr Phillips held back because he had to force Portia’s hand.
Anyway, we lost the elections in 2016 and Phillip Paulwell being Portia’s right hand, formed an alliance with Phillips and the two became best friends. Judas finally found his Twin brother in Paulwell. They wanted Portia out so the twins decided to trick Portia to give up the leader of opposition and hold on to her constituency because she wanted to finish her term in office which would end 2021.
For weeks Paulwell followed Portia around with the letter of resignation and I can say one thing with Portia when She ready fi dodge yuh only Jesus can find her for you. So, we had a NEC and Dr Phillips was so happy because Portia was finally ready to sign; twinnie had done well he finally cornered Portia at the NEC to sign.
The minute the singing of the trumpet ended Portia ran faster than Bolt into her car and went home without signing the letter.
Anyway, because this is not a suspense thriller she finally signed and gave the position of leader of the opposition to Dr Phillips. Remember the agreement was she will give up the leader of opposition and finish her term being member of parliament.
Weeks and months went by, yet Phillips was not confident enough to be in charge and run the party, he wanted Portia banished and gone entirely. Anyway, Portia being Portia she went about her business and started working with UWI, while still maintaining her capacity as MP. At this point we all knew she had a terrible memory problem, or she had early stages of Alzheimer’s, so we all had to be gentle with her going over and over the same statement until she comprehended.
Dr Phillips on the other hand, was very pissed with Portia because she was not fully gone or banished. The reason he was so pissed was every Tuesday when he came to parliament Portia would still be sitting in the leader of the opposition chair. Every Tuesday you would see Dr Phillips beckon to his Twin to say, ‘remove her from my seat’. I can tell you my body cringed every time I saw it. Making matters worse, Phillips would stand over that woman until Paulwell removed her. I kept telling myself that the twins had to devise a strategy to fully remove her. Lo and behold they did. They called up their connections at UWI to tell Portia that she had to fully exit the political arena before she could take up her chair at the University. So here again the twins finally got Portia out of the parliament, leader of opposition, member of parliament, constituency chairman, and her DIGNITY. The reason I emphasise dignity is because they were saying Portia brain gone; Peter Phillips, Lisa Hanna, McNeil, Paulwell, Fitz Jackson, even I shared that point of view. They said it so much they decided that she could not even debate Andrew Holness.
Portia finally gave him everything and went away, totally banished. So here comes the big man, solid as a rock strong and ready, on fire and ready to lead us to victory. Before I could say him FLAMES OUT! The by-election came when Dr Green died and he marshalled the troops to St Mary, biggest buss-ass we ever got.
I can’t fathom if it’s obeah, bad luck, or worse Phillips sins finally ketch up pon him but the second Doctor died, Dr Linval Bloomfield. So here we go again under Phillips, marshalling the troops down to Portland with the Rasta man Damian Aka goat man Crawford. My people do you remember when Dr Phillips was being interviewed by TVJ about the seat and his pronouncement was ” lose which seat”? “That a PNP seat full stop”. Well you know what happened down there. Vaz and Annmarie showed us what we all know out here in rural Jamaica, NUH SHOW OFF PON NOBODY, BECAUSE YOU WILL BE SHAMED IN THE END! Dr Phillips and Damian were so confident that when we were looking for Damian the Saturday to walk the polling division, he was off to champs and Phillips was flying around in helicopter while Holness ah walk pon foot and he’s the Prime Minister.
So here we were down two love and knowing that Phillips is the worst product to sell since Seaga and the black scandal bag saga.
Bunting being the talented and successful businessman and politician that he is, decided to make a run at it to change our party and lead us. Now mind you, the first time Bunting wanted to go I did not support him but this time around I waited before I supported him and yes it was the best decision for my country and party. What I respected about Bunting, after the first run he decided to park his ambition and let Peter Phillips go forward.
Dr Phillips won the contest by 76 votes and from that very moment he wanted Bunting banished and gone like Portia, but Bunting didn’t , he retreated and allowed Phillips to pick his new shadow cabinet leaving out some key players like Dayton, Angela, Hayles and others. So again, new start and again him FLAMES OUT!
The main reasons why Bunting challenged September last year are outlined below:
A) Lack of meetings
B) The winnability of the leader and part at the polls
C) No mission statement or vision for the PNP, and I could go on and on.
So, with all the flames out and the solid as a rock now turned water, Dr Philips came and told us that he is going in for minor surgery and will be back home before evening the same day. Nothing of the sort occurred. He had stage 3 cancer and he knew it even before Bunting challenged him last September and said not a word because he knew he would have been banished like Portia and because his name was carved out to be Prime Minister he would not be anymore. In light of this he, Collin Campbell, Lisa, Paulwell, Damian, McNeil and others hatched a plan to tell us and Jamaica that he had stage 3 curable cancer; first I’ve ever heard the word curable beside stage 3 cancer. Anyway, we found out at the same time the public did; no meeting, no consultation, nothing!
They then decided that Phillips cannot make it so Phillips gave McNeil his blessing to seek the support of his fellow colleagues and there again McNeil FLAMES OUT because we know McNeil is the laziest MP, on God’s earth. So now the baton is passed to Lisa and when this is all over, she will flame out too.
For them it is anybody but Bunting, for them it is to keep Phillips and make the party lose so they can stay in power, not real power but OPPOSITION POWER. You see my fellow Jamaicans we can’t do anything to save Phillips and no matter what we do it’s ordained by God that Phillips is evil and God don’t like ugly so the party and Phillips will go down and both will be punished for his sins.
So, in the beginning it started with the twins and it will end with more than triplets. My choice is clear I have listened to my constituency, Country, and my God. I will vote to send Dr Phillips packing because if Portia could be banished for memory lapse then how would you rank stage 3 cancer that is spreading in an incurable way?!
No country will elect a leader whose time clock will soon stop! Dr Phillips will die soon, not because he keeps delaying the chemo treatment but because he will be answering for sins on earth and in hell when he gets there.
I promise you that my country comes first over party, I am only one of fifteen very concerned MP’s and rest assured my colleagues share the same level of concern that I have outlined in this letter. Dr Phillips signed a secret MOU with the devil, and it’s being revealed now. My question to you all is ‘what would you do in my shoes?!’
God bless Jamaica and the PNP.
I hope one day the PNP will say I’m back and it’s not from Dr Phillips mouth but from a caring leader!
Damn ……..so much going on that we didnt even know about. I wondered what happened to Portia eno she disappeared and I mean really disappeared.
Rumor has it that she’s very sick.
They knew that the pnp couldnt win with Mr Philllips but they still went ahead and fight out Mr Bunting I found it very strange that he lose his seat……That man worked but at the end of the day money talks…Mr Bunting may not be a saint but he was the best for the Job
Can someone Cliff note this please?
Peter had no big backative,not even PJ nor anything other pnp big stalwarts endorsed him. I don’t blame Portia they all fought against her. God work in mysterious ways,even if Portia has won they’d still fight her out and Peter would’ve been PM by default. And if Peter had won this election,he would’ve also spend a little time then usher his son in because he’s a VP also,so as d saying when man a plan god a wipe,especially if your intentions are not right. Very interesting to see who’ll step up to lead that broken train.
TRUTHS…The power hungry triplets, Phillips, Paulwell and Hanna contrived to get rid of Sis P, now the chickens have come hpme to roost. God doesn’t like ugly. Hope Pissa Hanna lose her seat too wid har farcical self. Pose and tek pic like she still in a Beauty Contest
No sah. Mi did think Trump no have no decorum, discretion or filter! But dis bredda coulda give Trump a run fI him money in di “shocking politician” contest! So I understand that the man is unwell and his unfortunate sickness will inevitably effect his dedication to the position at some point. However, given that you are a politician yourself, could you not have worded that distasteful piece with a bit more decency? I get your point, I really do. But We are talking about a terminally ill man. I hope you have more sympathy for the sick patrons in your constituency!
The one thing that I take from this is the “curable” statement. I have never seen or heard of anyone going in for one surgery for cancer and be 100% healthy afterwards.
I agree with you sender. He was overly backstabbing and too deceitful. We will soon see more to come from this. This is just a quarter of it. I’m happy that karma came and helped Portia get the sweet revenge. Power is such a hungry status.
I wonder what will happen now?
Hope the sender is not the Person in the Picture! As someone who has done Business with you in the past you are one of the most dishonest and mix-up people I know! Not even going to speak on the Furniture “Conpany” and your numerous run-ins and run-always with and from the Law. Don’t even bother! With the foolishness Quest!
There’s just no way you could have even fathom the thought that the Sender is the Rohan Quest in the picture!!!! Cmon it’s RIGHT there in the 2nd sentence ….was Rohan Quest ever elected muchless 4 times!!??
“Having been elected now four times by the people from a rural constituency to serve in the Houses of Parliament my heart is full …”
:malu2 :cd :nerd
If it is that Rohan Quest teef furniture or monies fi yuh,then send in a post and we examine if Sumpn guh suh…but no bother with the personal vendetta fcukery fi taint him as author /sender of a letter that clearly doesn’t have shyt fi do with him zeen!
Normally mi woulda lick out pon the vendetta and eediat chat dem still but him well known fi him fuckery, him Factory used to deh round by Heroes Circle
1. phillip>lost election
2. paulwell>lost visa
3. hanna>lost “custody”
figure out the rest :thumbup
………and I wouldn’t be celebrating the JLP either, they’re walking on thin ice too! people will see in due time. :travel
“Mr Maximum” destroy the PNP from almost 2 plus decades now! all the foundations and principles set forth and laid by Mr. Manley was deconstructed and destroyed by power hungry, zealous and enept demogogs with no ideological objective but to deceive! now, we all know that things/times changed over the decades and nothing is wrong with keeping up with the time, but that can be realized without sacrificing the core principles and tenets of the party! instead, they all turned that party into a full circus for almost 3 decades now and the people all have “Mr. Maximum” to thank for it. :2thumbup
HEY …one gone a champs , one fly in helicopter & 1 pon FOOT…..aye sah
Only the good lord can mek me trust Lisa…dats y Portia love did change from her…now we see d light