It was recently announced that there will be major restructuring in the force. However in spite of the recent surges in crime despite state of emergencies and zozos, one would believe that keen attention would be paid to the latest reassignments. One of the area high on the police radar, Kingston western division, commander was reassigned and rotated out of a commanding role, having served the division for the past 4.5 years having served the division as acting ssp. We the citizens have voiced our concern as we have garnered respect for the outgoing boss. My decision to write to u, stems from a news carried on cmv last evening… I decided to do further research and realized that the person set to replace the outgoing boss is the commanding officer for Kingston north, havin served in such capacity for less than a year… The Kingston western division as seen a decline in major crimes over the past 3 years. Now wen u look at the crime statics and problem areas, would this not be a stupid move at a time wen the country is unable to control crime and what message are we sending our citizens by sending a commander who as not gained enough experience to act is such a tuff zone. All due respect .. we the citizens are very concerned as this move leaves many questions .. with plans under way for the construction of a new headquarters within the area. Was this a crime fighting move or another move of corruption…
Sender I beg to differ, the reassignment makes sense. The outgoing “boss” as you put it has a good track record in combatting crime. So put the most effective persons where crime rates are higher. There is a method to the madness. Commend them and encourage them for their efforts!
The minister of security needs to be reassigned. He seems to be totally in effected for his position. There are many blogs sites showing stories of blatant corruption and nothing is heard from him about what action is being taken to address it.