

    1. Should police be fired? for what?
      obviously the man cant read and him a drive.

      PPl like him dont know stop sign and slow down. Is dem kill off ppl and u a seh d police wicked?

      he should learn to read or dont drive.how him pass his written exam for driving? kmt

      1. Please shut up ur mouth the police de fi get fired that was wrong, why was he recording the man yes he could take him to jail n tek the license but he wrong for recording the man. That’s y am not mad when dem kill some a dem a Ja. Police are the biggest criminals there

      2. He should be fired for videoing the man and putting it on the internet without his consent. Just because a person cannot read doesn’t mean that they don’t understand what the road sign means. Even Jamaicans who are well literate break traffic laws. It’s an unrulyness that is embedded in a part of our culture.

    2. So far this year, there were over 300 deaths on Jamaica’s roads. Not to mention the hundreds of people who are maine by these accidents. A lot of those accidents were avoidable if we could only get rid of the illiterate and careless drivers off the road.

      We should be glad this police officer doing his part to get these drivers (who brought their licenses) off the road. Have you driven in Jamaica lately? Total madness and free for all.

  1. I hope this officer gets into trouble, all this policeman did was ridiculed this poor man him caan read and this is how he’s being treated? If the officer knows any history about post independence (early 1960s to early 1980s) in ja there were extremely financial struggles, classism and high crime, all of which still exist today. Because of those difficult circumstances sacrifice where made with families and due to the various circumstances many dem didn’t completely education or even worst are dyslexic and no support is provided for this,therefore illiteracy levels were significantly high then than they are today. Sure this man need to go back to school but it was not your place to embarrass him like that.

  2. So wait DEH, LETS PAUSE FI A MIN, FI get about the spelling of IT, OR HIT; which Neva one he was talking about, BUT A RASS SCHOOL DI MAN DEH, SO WHEN U GET PULL OVA A YARD, DEM ASK U FI SPELL WOD,,,,And den shame DI man…. DEM DUTTY POLICE TOO FCKING BORING….Cho…

  3. Only way 2 get a dl if u can’t read is 2 buy it. Which is illegal.which is y him say him a go a jail. Them a some of the ones who Gwan with reckless driving on di rd cause dem nuh read di red book An can’t read rd sign. Police shouldn’t post it online but I huh sorry to him. Hopefully him learn to rd in prison

  4. The operative question is, how did he get a driver’s license? Maybe that is why he is going to Jail. Does Jamaica allow illiterates to get Driver’s License?

  5. di whole a unoo who a defend the man whey cant spell fool as f**k. If him cant spell him nuh suppose to a drive. A dem dunce man yah like nuff taxi man a kill off people a road because them can’t intelligently negotiate the car.

  6. If him cya spell “it” he obviously cannot understand “stop” or “yield”. Is dem kill people in the rd. Him need a bicycle. Look at the bigger picture. Imagine a sign that reads “no left turn”… should not have recorded him but the officer is right to take him off the rd

  7. @JJ N Truthroot..then the police nu fi gu look fi di examiner who gave it to him n arrest him r her..why video the man n put it online.. I bet u if the police went to his supervisor n said we have a good case of corruption here n we need to get to the bottom of it.. Him supervisor is going to tell him leave it alone.. This should make the news n show up the real corruption in Jamaica.. Is not the man who can’t read mashing up our country is the man in high places..

  8. Well said Truthroot and [email protected] , it’s obvious he can’t read, so he shouldn’t have a drivers license in his possession, reminds me of a story my inspector uncle told me years ago about stopping a bus driver and asking him to spell the word cat, and he said he can’t spell it because he left his glasses

  9. I don’t support this at all, you can pull over the guy and take his license and give him a summons but to video tape it and send it viral is also dumb and illiterate on the cops part. As a police officer you are held to a higher standard. I received this on What’s app and I felt so bad that our own peopl can bash and degrade one another instead of uplifting one another. Thankful that I’m able to read and write but I can’t forget all those people who aren’t able to. We don’t know the circumstances and for those who claim that if he can’t spell it, how does he know what stop sign is. If America and other countries can accommodate the very same people that this cop is bashing with audiobooks and other means, who are you to question the mans ability?

  10. we cant tan a farrin an chat fart, this man bought his licence thus why there are so many accidents, look how long him tek fi spell IT, we don’t know if the man gave him a smalls clearly, as MAX say smaddy big behind all this, when one man have 5 licence, weh we all a deal wid, if him cant spell it a smaddy else eena trouble as MAX say inspector a go say lef it alone, a it mek the country tan so

  11. @one love weh the police do,, only fault mi find is him say the man want a rass lick, its not his child dwlllll, but we know he can get a loudas blow to rass,,, whenever we go home they can f**k us up on the road, with more than one drivers licence they get away, police own lots a vans, cars on the road, dem an the dutty ducta aan driva a fren dem do wrong things I witness the officers stood there does nothing for a dem frem coaster, eat a food mentality??

    1. The police recorded the man and uploaded the video that’s what he did wrong. The driver is also wrong for buying his license. However the police officer is the professional in the situation therefore he should act in such manner. I’m sure the protocol for stopping and arresting doesn’t include posting videos on social media even the guilty/accused have rights. It’s an invasion of the drivers privacy.

      The officer should have arrested him in a professional manner, seek information of how this man was able to obtain a license and also hold those parties accountable. Humiliatiing this man is not going to stop the other rest of individuals who purchased their licenses.

  12. only farrin police call u sir, this cop came from a home clearly, andddd a people weh cant read and write a condemn the police, darkness,, ROYAL PRIMER READING BOOK STILL SELL A BOOK STORE… WHAT THE F**K IS THAAT, IT IS ONLY IT SUPPOSE A SOMETHING ELSE….. little wonder so much ppl dead in accidents, come on metters do betta than dat, when they crash with us, dem run lef we, for,,, dem buy the licence, U SEE DEM KILL THE EXAMINER LAST WK

  13. Well him face nah show suh its safe to laugh, the police has a lousy phone. Wonder what year this man born?? Did he have an opportunity?? What happened?? Cuz u cant be driving and cant read enuh, seriously.

  14. Did he not say “You are O N E” at first? I took that as he is telling the officer he is one lol IT. It was cruel to embarrass him. Truth be told he shouldn’t be driving if he can’t read and write

  15. Did he not say “You are O N E” at first? I took that as he is telling the officer he is one lol IT. It was cruel to embarrass him. Truth be told he shouldn’t be driving if he can’t read and write :sorry

  16. The police man is damn outta order and check him right now he can’t read too good either. Who illiterate like dem. Why would he say him need some RASS lick. Unprofessional.
    Who corrupt like the depots in Jamaica swallowfield depot is the most corrupt in Jamaica. If you are a mad man, illiterate whatever Christopher Shirley who run that depot will give anyone a license once he is getting paid. Is the richest examiner that inna Jamaica. Open secret is that buy license and buy fitness run Jamaica.

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