Pinkey hmid been talking to this police man for couple months sex is great head is great , he has a nice personality, everything alright soo far…. anyways he always come by my house to sleep sometimes when he comes from work. His phone drop an crack up Thursday an it cant touch according to him cause all now me nuh see the phone. Anyways him communicate with me on the computer at work on fb me ask him when him ago get a phone him ago tell me say him nuh have no money to buy no phone , this man is a police an him always behave broker than anybody else , more while me affi wonder if a gyal a nyam him out, more while when me ask him what hes eating him reply an say “hairy pie an nothing stew” like wtf! When him come me yard him watch tv till him fool , suh me ask him if him nuh have no tv , him ago say no him dont have the luxury their suh him do without. An him live inna a little cabinet weh smady a mek him gwan stay. Hes honest him tell me everything straight. But am confused 😶🙄
Ur a police an u go work everyday an u get u pay suh a what u a do with ur money suh??? Him an him squad always drive come look for me if they are passing through this area. Idk but me always see him inna plain clothes with police vest me a wonder if them police deh get good money, cause the couple months me an him a talk me never ask him for nth yet only fear to go to work an me see him gimi. He has 3 kids am 20 an hes 36 him young an Fresh an nice. But me a wonder a wah him a do with him money. Hes married but separated. Me a wonder if a test him a test me. Cause me want him! An me pray God fi just make him stay inna me life cause hes such a nice person 😩😩😩 what unu think. Cause him nuh look like smady who a suffa..
same girl here with the police man drama… he came by my house after work on Sunday an monday…. anyways me cook him dinner an give him Sunday when him come from work. Him done work 6pm an this man come a me yard 10pm me nuh bother pay that no mind . Anyways him ago mek me know say him get f**d over plp alot a time, his heart have been ripped out of his chest an hes trying to build back his life. Suh me did speechless me nuh bother perlong the convo cause me know how police stay.. anyways him come Monday night come spend the night , him always hungry suh me give him sumu to eat again.me an him f** an him go away early in the morning. This man always a go weh 5am an 6am as morning light , bear in mind from him phone mash up we been communicating over fb . From yesterday me nuh hear from him, him nuh tex me none at all yesterday, him nuh come by last night either. Me just send him a long paragraph an tell him it done cause me a just 20 an me nuh live no life yet
An him a look smady fi use when him an him gyal have problem. Hes 36 an already has 3 kids plus married already, an ago talk bout him an him wife separated. Me tell him fi just low me out cause if u ago only come a me yard even u feel like or when u want pussy, or even u lonely!! Me dont hear from this man from monday night normally he woulda check up on me already, me did ago buy him a phone but me nah bother. A suppose to 2maro police a get pay too. Lemme know if a 2maro police getting paid. All now me nuh see him tex me back… but me ago stop mek plp use me out an throw me dung after! Me heart too soft. 💔💔 me did think him really into me to how him treat me good. But come on mon… not even a text to see if me alright, he use the computer at work to communicate with me…
Knucklehead, the money you are going to use buy the phone take it and go do a course..2maro..it’s tomorrow I can hear how you pronounce it. It is not perlong, it’s prolong. Don’t use words that you cannot spell bobblehead. With that said, tell him to bring an application and you go and join the JCF. That way you will see why he leaves your home at 5 & 6 a.m. Like you say, you are only 20 yrs old and haven’t lived your life yet. Have you not seen the global destruction that Covid19 leggo pon d Earth? Life is too short to be anything but happy. Take it from me, I could almost be your granny!! Now run along and kip you $$ and no throw cocky partner..
Dis gyal yah mussi bout 300lb wid a whole forest a grow inna har face, only some big ole mampie gyal mi know suh desperate loll
Jeez. She did say she was only 20, how many of us was full of wisdom and awareness at that age. Give her a break. Obviously, she ketch feelings for him and was hoping for a more solid commitment. My dear, he sounds like a user, just chalk it up to experience and move on. Even women twice your age getting fooled and used so don’t feel so bad. Focus on you and making a good future for yourself. A good man will find you, just be sure your eyes are open so you can see him when he shows up.
Excellent input!!!! :2thumbup :toast
The phone damage because him nuh want you call him when him deh wid other woman or him bonefide woman.
You make an excellent side chick. You took up a man with 3 kids and expect to a have lasting commitment and you don’t have kids yet.
Some of unno young girls frightened or crazy for policemen. So unno would do anything to keep them.
I bet if he was a civilian you would have left him long long time
The lowest rank Police Officer get paid at least $130 000 every month around this time sweetie. He is using you. Him have him woman, don’t let him trick you and use you.
Police have a whole heap a nyamming a do a road. nyam all bout so dem expenses high.