Positive Confession
“Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day”
Genesis 1:31
The power of negative confession is very destructive as the power of positive confession is very fulfilling. Many Christians are yet to empower their lives by tapping into the virtues of this eternal truth. Parents detract greatly from the awesome destiny God has planned for their children when they curse or release foul words upon their lives. Some husbands and wives also use unprintable words upon one another. I wish they would realize the power of those confessions upon their lives!
God worked six whole days to create the heavens and the earth and all therein. He rested on the seventh day. Imagine working for six whole days without a moment of rest! God worked day and night because He is Light and no darkness can function around Him. For you and for me, working non-stop for six whole days is what we describe with the word, “tedious”, isn’t it? Yet, God did not find such words within the vocabulary of His creation.
How do you refer to your life and activities after the day’s work: trouble, tiresome or tedious? Those are words we use often. Would you change how you see and report your life from this day? God’s example tells us to see and confess that our days are good, splendid and awesome. Every possession He gives you is good, splendid and awesome. Your children are magnificent and the works of your hands are superbly blessed. That’s the only description you must utter about whatever you engage with the strength God has endowed you with. There can be no refreshment and fulfillment in your life unless you confess it continually. Your works, like God’s, ought to be very good. Confess it today in every area of your life.
Liberation Thought: God is the giver of good gifts
Further Reading: Philippians 2:14-16
Holy Spirit, renew my vision of life and empower me to perceive life in the light of God’s word.
I cancel by FIRE every confession that I have spoken that is hindering my progress in Jesus mighty name
Every word spoken against me, against my destiny I release the power of God in the prophecies of His oracle against you NOW, perish in Jesus mighty name