PUT AWAY OTHER GODS – Dunamis Devotional (Tuesday, 08 November 2016) – By Dr. Paul Enenche

SCRIPTURE: ‘Now therefore fear the lord and serve him in Sincerity, and in truth, put the strange gods that your father served at the other side, and in Egypt, and served ye the Lord. Joshua 24:14

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Every sin has a god powering it.

Putting away other gods means eliminating from your life all the things that have the tendency of assuming the position of God in your life. For as long as you accord anything the place of God in your life, it has become your god.

It is established that God has positioned His children to bless them. The basis of that blessing is a covenant relationship with Him, and there can be no covenant relationship with God until there is the putting away of other gods.

Beloved, what is that negative lifestyle or sin that is contending with the place of God in your life?

The truth is, every sin has a god powering it. To be yielded to any sin is to be in active service of the god behind it. It could be the god of money and materialism, the god of alcohol and tobacco, the god of immorality and seduction, the god of bitterness and hatred, the god of jealousy, malice, envy, lying, deception, cheating etc.

Beloved, if you must partake in the covenant Blessing of God, then, you MUST put away these gods.

Remember This: Every sin has a god powering it.

1. Consciously put away anything or anybody that seems to be a god in your life.
2. Give God His place in your life today by making Him the number one priority of your life.


PRAYER: O LORD, I receive Your Mercy and Freedom from every yoke of iniquity. Dethrone anything that seems to be a god in my life and enthrone Yourself in my life, LORD, in Jesus’ Name.

DAILY READING: Ezekiel 18:1 to 19:14, Hebrews 9:1 to 10, Psalm 106:32 to 48, Proverbs 27:10

QUOTE: Your nature affects your future. Your character affects your destiny. Your habit affects your habitat. Culled from WHO ARE YOU? by Dr Paul Enenche.

TODAY IN HISTORY: 8/11/392- Roman Emperor Theodosius declared Christian religion, state religion.

AMAZING FACT: 90% of the foods humans eat come from just 30 plants.


  1. The first, second and third commandments tell us this: Put God first. Do not put any god before God Himself. Do not worship carved images. Too many of us have made gods for ourselves; even resorting to worshipping our ancestors. Bowing to the sun is nice, bowing to the Son is even nicer and far more rewarding. #TheHolyTrinity. There is ONLY ONE GOD. In the name of the Son of God, I proclaim and profess a mighty blessing over the lives of those who have not turned away from He Who has brought them out of darkness and into the Light. Every spirit (lie, lust, envy, contention, gluttony, etc) has its own god; hence we must pray without ceasing as there are intellectually inclined people who are good at convincing others that God isn’t real. These people are plenty and rapidly growing by the minute. They would much rather give praise and adulation to the sun, moon, stars, ocean, trees and air; ALL of which were created by God, the Father of the Son – Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Beware. Remain sober and vigilant. Hold fast to your crown. The day of the His return is near. Do not be carried away by false doctrines. Worship God. Worship the Lord. Summons the Holy Spirit to rest on you and impart upon you, the gifts from above. There is NO god greater than our GOD, no, not one. God is awesome.

    This came just in time, Met. Thanks for not denying Whose you are to please those who could care less about who you are.

    Love and Light,
    Beautiful Mind

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