roof1-OptimizedLate on the evening of Wednesday, June 17, a 21-year old man, Dylann Roof, sat in a prayer group with several people at Emanuel AME church in Charleston, South Carolina. An hour later, he would kill 9 of them with a handgun, because he wanted “to kill black people.” Emanuel AME is a historic, African-American icon of a church in a town with a rich Black history.

Just over 12 hours later, on Thursday morning, Roof was captured while on the run in North Carolina after authorities pulled over a Hyundai sedan which the murderous youth had apparently piloted out of town. The FBI quickly stepped in and handled Roof’s questioning after his swift arrest, but prior to that, during transport, his handling by the police was particularly peculiar. According to the account Shelby police chief Jeff Ledford gave the Charlotte Observer, Roof complained of hunger, and was treated to a meal at Burger King.

Earlier in the day, Roof had bought water and chips at a south Charlotte gas station. Now he was hungry. Police bought him food from a nearby Burger King, Ledford said.

After slaughtering 9 people in a church, Roof was arrested, strapped with a protective bulletproof vest, then treated to burgers and fries.

If only these cops had handled Freddie Gray. Or would the series of events have been different?


    1. :shakehand2, of di lowest crime..a bet if it was an African American, he wouldn’t even be allowed to go to the toilet..some of these bigots, racist pigs we have in authority is no better than this terrorist, because that is what he is.

  1. a white man commits a heinous crime….of course capture him alive, treat him humanely but make sure he has his day in court, sentenced and serves his sentence because ultimately the collective white conscience believes justice will have been done…..the collective white conscience does not believe in justice for black ppl….its that simple…..thats why cops, zimmerman et al get away with the shit they do….because the white american conscience/consciousness does not feel justice for black ppl serves any real purpose……..

  2. This does not sound strange at all…

    It happens all the time…..I hate to make such comment but this is facts…

    Police pulls over an African American and shoots him fearing for their life and asks questions later, killing him but pulls over a white individual and shoots him in the foot, taser him or wrestles him to the ground…..

    What they did for this white racist that murdered three people is not strange, it is normal for this society we live in…

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