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Return to Salvation
The Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says, “Only in returning to me and waiting for me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength. Isaiah 30:15
What do you do when you miss the mark and fall short of God’s expectations of you in your thoughts, words or actions? John in his letter says that if we say that we have not sinned we are lying. The tough reality a lot of God’s children are yet to come to terms with is the fact that their flesh will sometimes cause them to sin against God. Most Christians are yet to have the right attitude towards the possibility of sinning against God.
Thus, they either find a way to cover up and act like they never sinned at all or they crumble into condemnation and run away from the presence of God by being absent in church services and avoiding any kind of fellowship. You cannot hide anything from the omniscient God who has you carved on the palm of His hand and knows your thoughts from afar. You cannot run away from the omnipresent God who fills all things.
John goes further to say that if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. This revelation is the motivation you need to be able to run to God when you make a mistake and sin against Him. God was admonishing His people through the prophet Isaiah, because Judah was rebellious. He is saying the same today through me. The salvation you need from a sin as well as the strength you need to live a life without sin comes to you when you return repentantly to God.
Liberation thought: Salvation belongs to our God who sits upon the throne.
Further reading: Luke 6:1 – 11
I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, sin’s power over me is broken, in the name of Jesus!
Blood of Jesus, purge me of the desire to please my flesh, in Jesus name.