Revelation is to uncover or reveal something that always existed. The mysteries of life are
constantly being revealed through spiritual knowledge, notably via our dreams. Those that are depleted , lack or dismiss such knowledge will continue to conclude life as frustrating and difficult.

The purpose of our dreams and vision (if they’re from God) is to provide us with the spiritual revelations to the mysteries of our lives. It was a mystery to Abraham in Genesis 15, as to how God would birth a nation through him at the age of 99 particulary when he had no children of his own. This my friend is a mystery that only spiritual revelation can provide an answer to.

Amazingly, in Genesis 15:12, scripture clearly tells us that Abraham fell into a deep sleep and it was at this point while Abraham was asleep that God revealed or uncovered the revelation to what was a mystery to Abraham’s life which he was to become the genesis of some major future events. As a reminder, everything that God revealed to Abraham in Genesis 15: 13-21 was during his sleep in a dream. In other words, while Abraham’s physical body was asleep and at rest, the real Abraham which is his spirit, was well awake communing with the Spirit of God in Abraham’s dream.

Based on the above understanding of our dreams. Why not take a moment right now and ask God to provide the revelation in regards to the mystery behind your poverty, failed relationships, anti-progress, ill health, missed opportunities etc.

Abraham challenged God as a result of the seemingly impossible promises God had made to him. In fact Abraham said in Genesis 15:8, “Lord God, how shall I know the things you’ve promise shall come to pass?”

Friends! Here me today, how long will you continue to perish due to a lack of knowledge? Hosea 4:6. “How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? And the scorners delight in their scorning and FOOLS hate KNOWLEDGE?” Proverbs 1:22

“Father God, please in the precious name of your only begotton son Jesus Christ. Reveal to us via your spirit to our spirt the revelations to the frustrating mysteries that seems to encompass our lives. Lord, just like you did for your servant Abraham do like wise for us in our dreams. Father, your word says that you are no respect of persons. Therefore, because you did it for Abraham I am convinced you will do it for us in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing
[email protected]


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