A reward of $100,000 is being offered through Crime Stop Jamaica for information on the whereabouts of Kimani Brown, otherwise known as ‘Jim Brown’ or ‘Indian’, who should able to assist in the investigation of the double murder of Simone Campbell-Collymore and Winston Walters.
Exactly two years ago, on Tuesday, January 2, 2018 at approximately 3:57 pm, Simone Campbell-Collymore and Winston Walters were brutally gunned down at the entrance of Forest Ridge Apartments, Red Hills, St Andrew.
Kimani Brown is of Indian descent, slim to medium build, about 5 feet 11 inches tall, and frequents the Portmore, St Catherine and Brook Valley, St Andrew areas.
Crime Stop is asking anyone with information on the location of Kimani Brown to call Crime Stop at 311. All calls are anonymous and completely confidential.
Met are there any updates with this case.?This story was one that really touch my heart and I’m still saddened for the victims..
God is so good and he is worthy to be praised! slowly but surely Simone and Winston are getting the justice they deserve.
How many people was linked to the murder of Simone Collymore
This one was killed by the police in St. James.
Anonymous I just read the article you attached and it mentions him being apart of the Unruly gang. Makes you go hmmm.
That’s a very good question. I am asking the same question.
Good morning,
No follow up on this Devil? his male lover and The Mate who was glad to take Simone’s Spot??/ No man….. It seems like every body tongue a get quiet bout the aftermat or is it that this Devil have that much power or Connection? me feel lit like it was yesterday. Simone Family seems to just want everything to be swept under he rug and no more reminder. poor Thing.
FaSSie the story about the male lover who gave Omar money to leave Jamaica is true. As the commenter said under that post with the story they need to look into him along with Omar. You are absolutely right everyone is quiet but lets keep praying because God has a way of working things out in due time. Trust and believe that Simone’s story will never go unheard and all involved will be punished.