Dear Pinky Please to hide my Id ..
I am 25 years old and I recently found out I have herpes … When I heard from the doctor I wanted to sink to the floor. I’m here but it’s like my mind is not .. I always had my HIV and Syphilis test done and other stds and they were always negative but I never did a herpes test until now … I normally have yeast effections regular even before I became sexually active so I also thought when I had a little itching it was yeast so I always inserted boric and the symptoms would go away .. but now actually doing the test and getting a positive result . I’m just seeking a little encourage because I am at my lowest , I can’t stop crying . I’m trying to convince my self that it’s going to be ok but I just need a little encouragement since I’m scared to go to any of my friends or family because they will look down on Me .. My advice to young girls out there Wear a condom .. don’t let anyone tell u they clean and take it off ..
hush sender u won’t be the last ok just take ur treatment and never you leave ur protection!! u can use ur experience to help others!!because like u said u took test for the reg stuff but didn’t think about the others like most girls do…u will be ok u have life
Take it easy sender just take your meds be careful now,it’s not a death sentence wish u all the best.
Sender yes u have to live with it for the rest of ur life like HIV but unlike it u nuh haffi live on medications. Over the years flare ups will be less frequent to non-existent. U can live ur life normally, even have kids. Ur chances of passing it to ur partner is minimal especially if u don’t have flare ups. Avoid having sex with ur partner during flare ups and take meds. Make sure u tell ur partner if u are serious about him B4 proceeding with unprotected sex. If u are trying to conceive speak with ur obgyn for guidance. It is not a death sentence sender. You do not need to broadcast it to ur family and friends….it is your personal business. I’m really sorry you’re going through this alone. Speak to a counselor if you need to.
Make sure u tell ur partner if u are serious about him B4 proceeding with unprotected sex.
So, she shouldn’t disclose to any of her sex partners if she is not serious about him? That is not that the way to go about it. She should have sex with anyone without disclosing it. After all, that is how she got the STD. From my limited understanding (I learn it on this very site) is a condom doesn’t prevent the transmission of herpes, although it can minimize the chances of your partner getting it.
In my humble opinion, you should both be tested BEFORE having sex with your partner, SERIOUS OR NOT!