This b*tch been going around all the days of her life giving man infection. I don’t why she don’t go ans get herself check out. She’s from Linstead St. Catherine always been playing like she’s hype and she’s all that! When deep down she ain’t SH*T. The only man I knew that took her and treated her like somebody was a youth that always come in the community to visit his families. It’s like the youth put her on another level of hype. He bought her dog so you know how she’s gonna behave now! She been hyping on her friends like her man give her this and that and a whole bunch of shit…… Anyways let the conversation get sweet now. The youth look like him drop her and find somebody I don’t know and don’t care. But she’s just going around and spreading her infected p**y. Other day a youth from Red Hills showing me a little vibes saying she only act nice but she’s a freaky b**tch. She love giving 3 sum and deep throat. She’s a disgrace none of her ex them deal with her because she’s very nasty and don’t like to clean herself properly. The that catch the infection didn’t even bother to f**k her again. To show you how him vex not even a phone call and she been calling down the man phone saying she love and miss and will do anything to have him back in her life. Remember now the foreign youth lef her. Probably him find out that she was f**ng 3 other guy with him. Because she’s a bad girl but she know how to govern her thing when the foreigner youth is around. As him lef a she and then man them that again driving up and down. But she get a lot of the foreigner youth still heard he was the one get her somewhere decent to live and set up her make-up business. That business now she don’t even own a certificate! She only interested to do it to run competition with her friends!!! Like *tch grow the f**k up! You need to go find yourself a job, go to the clinic and stop giving man your disease with that dirty p**y of yours. And learn to sleep with 1 man at a time sweetheart…. I doubt you reach 25 and your little pussy suppose to finish because you been f**ng from you in 6 grade in primary just to show you how bi*chy you are…..


    1. Same suh PP!!!I saw it n was going to rant but then as u know mi getting older n mellowing out like fine wine. fewer rants than in yesteryears.Mi can’t waste mi good good rants pon dem friggery ya enuh PP,so mi jus lef dis sender!

      Poor Grammar like this is usually a clear cut indication of lying. Anybody who can spell or can’t get the concept of the word FAMILY* correctly SHOULD NEVER BE TRUSTED!!bout his families*…so a how much different family him one have so!!!??

  1. So how is this your business sender? Is your man she infect? You are really pathetic and JEALOUS if all you do is see this girl and hate her so much. You sound like you want her life and her dog and her makeup business. Badmind is a HELL OF A THING!

  2. I’m sure you can find atleast 50 girls in each and every district in Jamaica who conduct themselves in this manner lol. Any foreigner who’s stupid enough to be in a long distance relationship with a Jamaican girl gets what they deserve. They’re not sitting down on their pussy for even GOD much less a man who’s thousands of miles away. In 2017 most ja girls are good for flings and nothing more. Real talk.

    1. I don’t know which Jamaican broke your heart, but your tears are delicious! I can feel the hurt in your post.

  3. Senda di way yuh bad we ago need dem evidence yah immejiately… No man a yuh fren??? lol yuh nuh bad? send har een she too brite bout she stawt get tings an a hype pan yuh :nerd send een har bloodclaat she rude.

  4. Oh a wah kina infection she have? Send een dat tuh yuh har fren so yuh muss see di infection paypa.

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