
Shaneke Williams, Don Creary’s co-accused today in court. William who was charged with aiding and abetting rape and sexual touching of a minor. Williams was offered bail in the sum of 1.5 million today .


  1. Bet they never saw this coming, they were out partying, living big knowing that they rape a 13 year old two years ago, sick people I tell u! Don suppose to lose a few pounds. They are suffering now for all that they did to that girl, they are getting a beating from God that they surely deserve. God knows best.

  2. bail sud av been deny nd a hope dis case doah get buy out or charges drop gence dis gal yah guh hard and done pon de whole rass lot of dem

  3. We all know how life is cheap in Jamaica, so I hope the victim and her mother is properly secured. Don Creary is not going to go down that easily and his attorney is well known for winning cases at all cost.

  4. @anonymous 8:47 which part finson know if win case better u say a d right somebody fi prison him rass. Met night nah kartel n dog paw lawyer dis

      1. lolol…….him do tantrums and present witnesses just as shady as the defendant (s) :siul not to mention puppet jury member (s).

    1. I know about the “Attorney”, I just want to be careful how I say things. A lot of lawyers in Jamaica win cases only when key witnesses are killed. These lawyers are the ones who pass the names of potential witnesses to their clients, who end up dead a few days later.

      1. We shall put it out in the universe that nothing malevolent will happen to ANY of the victims and witnesses involved in this case, others pending, or future ones coming before our courts. selah

        I’m sure the esteem gentleman of the Senate wouldn’t lean that way at all :travel

        ANON2 and REAL hope onu alright.

  5. This man Don Creary is a SERIAL CHILD MOLESTER , plus he is a RAPIST hope the system treats him like any other normal citizen.

  6. Met saw this on Twitter: JUST IN: Former JLP councillor Don Creary charged in connection with second rape case. The victim is a 19-year-old woman. Story coming up.

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