Good evening Pinky Imid and post dis for mi plz, I’ve dis issue that been bothering me a while now I Ave a little sister and she very freaky and luv to suck d**ks ,di issue is love to kiss up my little baby and I don’t like it and I don’t know how to tell her I don’t want her kissing my baby without hurting her feelings , she love her nephew and buy him stuff and everything she a eat or drink she wah put it in my baby mouth it disgust me becuz I see her on nuff video sucking n I don’t want her to bow up my baby every day she come from work she stop at my house and all she wah do is kiss my son , I feel away becuz mi nuh knw if she jus suck a hood n a put her dirty on di baby , me and my baby fada hate ppl who do or*l s*x if him ever find my sis a do that n know she a kiss up di baby him would a wah chopped off wi head him a mad man wen it comes to him baby , di first time she kiss di baby mi tell her di doc say no1 to kiss d baby ,–
This is a serious issue that should not be taken lightly. if I remember correctly a newborn baby died from herpes by being kissed. You have nothing to feel bad about. Just tell her straight. Some people have no boundaries and you need to remind them especially if the baby didnt get all of his/her shots.
Tell her ur baby fada dont want no one out side of u r him to kiss the baby…..like u said she loves her nephew…..if u tell her in any other way u going to hurt her feelings and cause a riff btwn u and her…..good luck bcuz i do understand your delima
You may not want anyone kissing your baby if that is the reason, because you really don’t know who is doing oral sex ( Maybe even your baby father, cause some of the people who burn it the most are doing it too)
Oral sex or not adults should understand that kissing KIDS on the mouth is not acceptable for countless reasons..
I remember that babe in the story. Poor babe. It led to Viral meningitis and death. It could also kill off brain tissue causing developmental issues and deformities. Ur baby’s in danger. Tell her. If she vex so be it.
Oh boy…Senderrr you will have to be diplomatic.
First, tell you sister you have something to say to her because it a bother you. Do it sitting and with NO ONE else around.
Before hand: YOU 100 % certain YOU personally see her a suck de whole heap a hood dem? If you clear on that then…proceed
Say to her. “Sis, me love you and me know widout a doubt you love the baby. BUT me going have to ask you to stop kiss up kiss up on him.”
*You can pause fi she ask you why or see her reaction eitger way say what you have to say).
Continue by telling her “Me know you love oral sex and because of the risk to you me don’t want you risk the baby health. Go on by asking her if she wouldn’t feel the same way if YOU were to suck hood and come kiss up her baby.
Repeat…”Me love you but please stop. You hungry or want a drink?” Lolol
I doubt she will be hurt base on how you express her sucking hobby. She’ll be embarrassed.
Solution: She can turn her head and rub her cheeks on the baby’s and kiss his hands and still have that heartfelt emotion with her nephew.
Don’t demean you sister fi you and you man sexual beliefs.
Adults kissing kids is unacceptable for numerous reasons……..
Sister or not, you are the voice for your kids; protect them, speak up for them….. Miss it should be a known thing among your family/ friends/ baby daddy that they MUST NOT KISS your child on the mouth, cheek, hand etc.
It nuh acceptable….
Everything living around me and my daughter knows NOT TO EVER kiss her…. esp on the mouth and cheek.
Kids immune system just not capable of fighting diseases the way adults can.
Speak up lady!!
Lady speak up and let it be known that NO ONE should be kissing on your baby.
FYI you sound ignorant bout yuh and yuh baby daddy hate ppl who do oral sex…Girl in this day and age you cant be 100% sure who indulging in this act; who to tell you own baby daddy not out in the streets eating pum pum on the daily.He might not do it with you but he might very well be doing it with other ppl.
Just cut the BS and tell your sister and everyone else that kissing your child is NOT acceptable. done
I don’t like to hurt people’s feelings, so I can truly understand where the sender is coming from.
But in such a circumstance, I’m afraid some feelings may have to be hurt…
Even IF the sister never suck a hood ..come on ppl y is it ok for every Tom dick and Harry to be kissing a baby on his/her mouth!!???
No, only mommy and daddy should be doing that. Fast forward some years , the baby is now a toddler and because mom didn’t regulate the ting better , all strangers outta road the baby leaning over to kiss because he just doesn’t know any better ! :cd
I use to kiss my nephew and he use to kiss me as well then 1 day he was gonna kiss me at this time he wasn’t even 1 year old yet my sister say in front of me weh mi tell yu seh. So I rurn to her and say I don’t suck hood and she said nothing so I discontinued. To be honest I think my sister does oral sex but that’s not my business. Most of tge time ppl that participate in these acts don’t have a problem and think it’s normal so even if they don’t say they do it tg edy do and act very normal around u. I am now pregnant and I don’t want not even my child father to kiss the child thats how serious I am. So hou should definitely tell her if she vex that’s her bizniz.
I have small children in my life and I have never kissed them on the lips, they even tried to kiss me on the lips and I had to scold them that they don’t kiss ppl on the lips only forehead and cheeks. NO child should be kissed on the lips by anyone, not even the parents, so put your foot down. Also let her know the sharing of cutlery and glassware with the baby is unacceptable. You are fixated on oral sex, but even measles can be transmitted to children this way. The flu strains that are out here these days are not the flu strains of old, they are licking down ppl and putting them out of commission for weeks, imagine a baby with that kind of flu, and babies die from flu every year because their immune systems are not strong enough. My dear, you have to be an advocate for your child’s health and put down your foot.