Plz deliver this message to da ugly police gal here in Cayman name sheron who no stop call my man n stress bout her life.,,,tell her reason she marrid a fi have her own man n da next time me have to message she I gonna just post evry ting I down tlk to she n my man down tell me every f**k n suck dat go on I wonder how she husban watch she n dont see she f**n like she a no sense… she text my husban telling he all kina tings bout her husban woman stop chatting u husban fa u not leavin but u will leave mine, u tink chattin u man with mine will eva make mine want u?fix u married iLife and stop mash up fi mine.i message she on instagr n she block me I driving so pardon me spelling n tell she I will go to she man my self
I have an idea of who the woman is I will call my brother n check if it is the same police woman
Hey, how bout u tell u husband to stop ansa her text an calls, cause im sure she aint talking to herself wen she calls ur oooh so faithful husband, u make larff, it takes 2 an ur husband is well up for it, so wen u dunn drive have a word wid u husband, job dunn, im jus saying, jus my opinion