With only one day to go to close out the year 2019, the thirst for blood continues to plague the parish of St. James, with a swathe of murders on Sunday, December 20, pushing the tally past the 150-mark, despite efforts of the security forces to contain it.
The victims, which number four, are: 20-year-old Fitzgerald Rodman, otherwise called ‘Flip’, unemployed of Paradise, Norwood, 13-year-old Jamie Anderson of Albion, 43-year-old Christopher Fray otherwise called ‘Banton’ or ‘Chris’, a carpenter of Bottom Stonehenge, Cambridge and an unidentified man.
The raft of murders opened about 6:40 a.m. Sunday, as Fray was at home with relatives when three men armed with guns entered his house.
A tussle ensued and Fray ran from the house, but was chased and shot several times. The police were alerted and on arrival, Fray was seen lying in bushes in a pool of blood with multiple gunshot wounds. The other occupants of the house escaped unhurt.
The police were called to another homicide scene less than 12 hours later when at 8: 04 p.m., Rodman and Anderson were heading home from a nearby shop, and on entering their yard, gunmen opened gunfire, hitting them several times.
They were taken to the hospital where they were pronounced dead. The Police were summoned and the scene processed.
Three hours later, crime sleuths began to investigate the circumstances which led to the shooting death of an unidentified man at Mango Walk.
The body appears to be in its mid-twenties, of dark complexion, slim build and is about 170 centimetres (5 feet and 7 inches) long. It was clad in a red shirt, blue denim shorts and red shoes.
Reports are that at about 11:10 p.m., residents heard explosions and summoned the Police. On their arrival, the body was seen along the roadway with several wounds to the upper body. It was taken to hospital where the man was pronounced dead.
I’m not saying the murder rate in Jamaica is not high, but plz stop making out like Jamaica a Di worst, America, Canada, England, crime rate high, why not highlight that, London England stabbing rate is higher than St James Jamaica, plz cum off a Jamaica bout crime rate smh
Stfu Jamaica crime rate is out of control! Jamaica only has 3 mil people while America has 3 hundred mil there’s no comparison I can wear all my jewelry and have my money in my pocket and walk around in America and feel safe I can’t do that shit in Jamaica because all they do is rob and kill and if u get robbed in America it’s a 90% chance u won’t be killed in jam it’s a 100% chance that they will kill u that’s fact!
Please stop, I’ve been rob in New York before and there are many areas in America that you can’t walk in peace so stop. I’m not saying Jamaica is perfect but every society has its own struggles but stop painting America out to be this fairytale cause if that’s what you think you’re obviously delusional.
As a matter of fact, black people are being killed like dogs by your own cops who are supposed to serve and protect so be gone with your bullshit. The only thing America has is more opportunities. That’s it! and even with that people are still struggling there. So stop with the facade.
Don it is NOT a fact that there’s 100% chance of being killed during a robbery in Jamaica….note well there were 937 cases up to late last year 2019 n no murders happened then.
The police also reported that 1,221 persons were shot and injured up to October 19, which compared to 954 over the corresponding period for 2018.
There were also 937 cases of robbery over the period, compared to 891 last year, and 1,018 break-ins, compared to 968 in 2018.
Frankiee you speaketh facts that Jamaica is NOT the worst…however we do have a epic crime crisis for many years regardless of which political party is in power.We need to address crime as urgently as education cuz it’s now embedded n systematic in our Jamaican culture as a way of life.We are our worst enemies as a ppl enuh.
Are you dumb??? JAMAICA HAS A HIGH CRIME RATE…WORSE THAN other places. Look at the population vs murder ratio and then come talk back.
We care about jamaica and that is why we find it necessary to highlight the fact that we do have a problem with the high crime rate. What, do you want us to put it under the carpet and act like it’s not happening and therefore not a problem ?