COMMENT-Marcia miss inez cant help u again remember she help u get out cause a she u tell say man rape u n she go talk n a so them send u go doc n find out everything u tell her u will never forget her n if u get anything u r going to remember her n from u get u money not another phone call well my love she free n u ass bk in jail .reemwmber i have to stop from work to take her to court not even gas money now marcia Cunningham enjoy the long vacation u gone on ok my mom is free in jamaica no problem man
Suh Dem tan,same so she have a cousin name Chrissy Cunningham who gwaan like she better than everybody even on the ppl she grew up with in woodland,I just laugh because she got nothing going on for her
Yo a wah do unoh people. A rejoice over somebody’s demise. Everyone a unoh a bbc scum, is a good thing she never give or share ntn wid unoh. Because a same so unoh would chat. Badmind real, me a read unoh comments and even the sender and all that come into my mind is wow. Haters and Badmind real a hope for people to fall or fail a nuh just something dj and artistes sing bout
Ungrateful game play twice
I hope her Daughter Demecia go find a job and stop live in the fantasy world Marcia provided for her, Namebrand life and dunce don’t work, Demecia was the first person I ever saw who puts weaves in a Baby Girl hair :cd I have seen extensions when braiding but weaves and wig Demeica? for likes on social media? Poor Emily head with the 50 packs of hair. Show off brings disgrace.
Sender drink bleach
Daughter Demecia comment this. Trying hard to put a positive spin on your mother’s situation? She is going to get 30 years in the slammer and get deported after serving 5! I hope you know where are the money laundering funds are located.
Is there a mugshot of these ppl?
Yo a wah do unoh people. A rejoice over somebody’s demise. Everyone a unoh a bbc scum, is a good thing she never give or share ntn wid unoh. Because a same so unoh would chat. Badmind real, me a read unoh comments and even the sender and all that come into my mind is wow. Haters and Badmind real a hope for people to fall or fail a nuh just something dj and artistes sing bout
Any update on Marcia Cunningham in jail?