33 thoughts on “TAX VS DAUGHTER VS MADDA

  1. How is this bitch getting back money ,,,,when she dont work.
    How you take care of your pickney dem but have other people filing taxes for dem..
    You are the reason why these hoes have all these kids..for that tax return. And u never paid taxes a day inna u life

  2. Once you put your business on social media you open yourself up to just about anything. So it go. Don’t let it ruin your day

  3. Same ole stale argument with these dumb bitches bout dem neva dash weh belly but uncle sam is your babydaddy

  4. I am the wrong person cause u don’t got a life or can’t have a child or maybe sad this morning don’t have nothing to do with your sad life don’t worry about me worry about yourself it pay u better

  5. U are a sad person true u can’t get pregnant it bun u so much or true man done pon u that why that why u still keep chating off your mouth worry about yourself not it look like I am worried about what people say about me bitch bye please ok

  6. What my baby have to do with u I want to know or true u can’t breed it hurt u so bad u mad poor u what uncle Sam have to do with this next time talk something what I can understand to ok cause it seem like to me u are a dunce bat and need more schooling

  7. That my social network page how it bun u so and have time to waste cause true u don’t have a life and looking attention let I tell u a thing u are a time waste my business is mine not yours ok go get a life ok cause my baby is no bother to no one I never beg nobody nothing yet a u must sey thank God for uncle Sam cause u love it too ok

  8. U all have a good day ok cause this shit is time waste and energy u are a Internet bad people say it to my face ok

  9. Girl..ooppss big bloodclaat iron back WOMAN!! You should be thanking every damn one of us for helping your damn family to have shelter and food. You got some damn nerves, why you getting mad when ppl voice their opinions. Stay off social media then you won’t have a problem. What a nerve you talking about “schooling” hope you make sure that it’s a priority in your kids future. B!@$# F#$! Off….and BYE!

  10. Mad bloodklaat gal u claim to be a good mmother to ur 4 kids bitch where?? U nuh see nobody nuh pay u mine wit u diarrhea posts dem out all the 4 how much fathers me nuh argue wit hoodrats weh breed up jus fi sell social# in tax season bitchbye!!!!!

  11. U don’t know nothing about me bitch don’t worry about babyfather Mek sure your babyfather own your kids them and who write about don’t know me period cause I take care of my kids them straight ok

  12. Anybody who write this don’t know about me period all of my kids well taken care of bitch out suck Me ok

  13. Step to me mek I tear off your face talk about my kids again bitch u a Internet bad gal u a worry about the wrong person and the wrong people bitch u need a place u walk and dash wey belly and me carry Mines mek sure live somewhere and stop worrying about me and my kids them

  14. Waste gal don’t have nothing to do your words can’t break me bitch u worry about me look I am worried about u bitch just step to me that it and let us finish this bitch

  15. Hi, missis you one have the post fi u self gal, run wid it an galong wid u one day a fame, u nuh see seh a u one a comment, bye bye. :batabig :ngacir2

  16. Stacy go get some counseling. You sound mad nuh rass. I don’t know u or your family, but what I’m reading sounds real depressing.

  17. No Sah, diis is history! The mad woman send in the post and then a curse off herself in the comments section.
    Mad people I tell you.
    But put fun and joke aside, it must be sad when your only accomplishments in life are kids 🙁

  18. Stacey I know for a fact ur madda tek care if ur kids,bitch u use ur kids dem like yuh use welfare,who own the belly now Thnk God because no one else did before..stop act like yuh shot can cook you walk and suck off every man cocky a Bronx,lick out battery gal yuh claim man own yuh bitch where! Ur mom and the white man tek care of u.

  19. And look how me tell di girl not to let this ruin her day. You think a pure idiot dey pon pink wall? Don’t let some of these bitches pull out dem degree and life experience on you. It won’t be nice.. 2nd time I’m warning. Dem wi cuss you n put u in labor. Gwaan Stacy.. Tek time an gwaan. Lol

  20. Stacy take care of her kids them batty gal what u know about stacy u ever see her hungry yet bitch u walk and suck pussy like dog leave the bloodcoth gal alone if u want to suck is her mouth

  21. Her babyfather want her bitch is one of stacy friends that dont like her up her up which part stacy mada take care of her and the white man bitch u chat too much bitch

  22. Leave the gal alone and go mine u business the gal life good she don’t pay dutty people no mine a u fi tek coke and kill off yourself anybody know stacy is a nice person half a unna f**k off the bronx too and suck it off name one man the gal sleep with and disrespect her mi know stacy fi years so bitches try again the gal look good a true u mouth sink like shit u have a problem with my friend that why mi hate dance hall people stacy don’t beg people things and she and her mada suppose to war not no dutty bloodcoth bronx people half of u guys don’t have a proper job one thing mi know bout stacy she tek care of her kids them and everybody know bout that and them Ever clean the gal dey America long time and some salt fren do this to her

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