Good day. I hope you can help. Its about a noncopliant Tennant. As per Jheanelle’s request (I.e. she emailed me to say I should put it in the gleaner observer and star. I cannot embarrass her) I am publicly sharing my perils. Can somebody please explain to Jheanelle Myers that she cannot expect to go through life leeching off others and cussing them out on top of it. She has not paid her rent from December nor the NWC bill in my name since last year summer and refuses to move out the apartment. I had deliberately kept the rent low, just enough to cover the mortgage, it’s not as if I’m making a profit. I have explained time and time again, since and even before renting the apartment, that the apartment is on a mortgage and if I don’t keep up with the payments Jamaica National is going take away the property and I lose everything thing I have invested over the past 10 years – she has no regard whatsoever for this. Instead she sends the most disrespectful, threatening and disgusting voice notes. She continues to occupy the property and has made no attempt to pay monies owed: 200,000 in rent arrears and more than 35,000 in water rates thus far. She has flat out stated that she’s not paying and at the same time she refuses to move. This is the biggest curse I could ever have handed over the keys to. The whole situation especially regarding possibly losing the property, my deposit and over 10 years of payment in interest and principal to the bank is stressing me out. I swear to you I’m not making this up. The nwc account number is 1964841-1919257 and you can see on nwc website. I also have text messages and voice notes. If you do happen to run into Jheanelle Patrice Myers at the parties and the hype life that she continues to partake in while refusing to own up to her responsibilities, could you please explain to her how real life works and how responsible adults are supposed to behave – she needs to move and pay what the she consumed and owes – instead of going through life like a parasite, leeching off others.
Get the court and police to get her out simple.
Go to the courts get the proper documents and get a bailiff to serve her a courts summons. This is to demande arrears payments and to evict her. I can stand when people take advantage like this.