The anchor scripture from Psalm 65 above began with a turn-around visitation of Jehovah. If you study diligently that scripture, you will note that divine visitation began with watering which grew into a rivers of enrichment that converted barren wilderness into fat pastures of abundant corn or grain which in turn drew an amazing quantity, in fact, uncountable number of flock that covered the valleys and the hills. I pray fervently that this season shall be your own season of divine visitation in Jesus name.
Are you being overwhelmed by a swallowing debt? Listen, the swallower shall be swallowed! The river of God’s enrichment shall swallow your debts in Jesus’ name. Get ready for this divine encounter, pray the following prayers fervently with all your heart, that visitation shall become a celebration of God’s goodness with ceaseless song of praise in your mouth, in Jesus’ name.
Are you being afflicted by barrenness of the womb or of finances or of good jobs? Hear the word of the Lord, this river of enrichment and fruitfulness shall wipe away every mark of barrenness in your life and business, career and ministry, in the name of Jesus.

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