Nothing wrong with this to me. People tyad of nightmare tenants. Owners and property managers charge an application fee for the investigative administrative work that has to be done to make sure the documents that you have submitted are in fact legit and not bandulu made using creative suite.
Oh and yes background checks should be conducted. Not sure about anyone else but I would rather not lease my property unknowingly to someone who likes to molest children. Trust but verify.
But Jamaica is a place with loads of self employed individuals so the payslip bit can be a hassle another thing certain discrimination against individuals that are moving from the ghetto to uptown. There are so many factors in this that makes this extremely different from foreign not to mention the additional cost just to get a JP to sign a piece of form. It ridiculous most of it but I understand landlord concerns. And half of this property agencies don’t actually carry out background checks.
Section 24 of the rent board. Nothing farring about this. Just new to who no want to be accountable for other people property. They lucky the law won’t allow 1st 2nd and last to be collected.
People been living care-free in a people place and all tek ova till land owner fraid fi collect monthly rent. Those days are going. I hope this owner do a community check too, in person you have to do like the EOJ.
WELL ppl have right to protect them property,, half a weh dem a ask for ppl no got it. wait anyone can type things a roadside companies are cell phones wait for the script… for Jamaica is a show, need redit agencies to carry these tenants ppl hav to have leech in dem place to stop it from being captured, lets see how long dem a go kip it empty,, lawddd help us,,
a how much things u affi show khago fi rent him 25 bedroom house, why these people build huge houses like many living overseas don’t spend a year good in the house he is young and the misery start, 2 times they robbed his house, he said he slept in 58 chairs and floors in farrin, but on social media cussin him mother caused him lots a fans bout 10 entertainers him tell fi go suck dem madda, not so safe to walk around, never see come see dangerous
I know a landlord, two tenants in a row, paid the first two months rent and nothing more. It had to go to court and they eventually had to move but with nearly a years rent arrears.
Teef dem, only want to get in people’s place and its hard to get them out without a long drawn out court process
phantom P, dwll how u wicked so lol, when it left empty. the system dung deh, we will see wa god we serv, places dung deh cant tan empty too long. if dem no move in deh doors and windows missing,, toilets seat, face basin piece by piece every day,, u work hard to get a house, then comes all bo-weeivel want tek over u place, and or kill you rass in deh u pickney dem a farrin don’t want it family capture… it hard
A payslip is a private document in my book, so I wouldn’t be giving any hurry-come-up, neva-si-come-si landlord my private document. All they need is a letter from an employer confirming the person’s employment. As far as I’m concerned they want the payslip to see how much they can milk from the person. kmt As for that $500 form – thief is what this landlord is.
I have an issue with the payslip. I work overseas but normally visit Jamaica for 4 months every year (June – July and Nov -dec) I don’t stay with family when I visit so I mm normally only renting an apartment for 2 months and no longer.
Me showing a stranger my payslip will only invite trouble
Cindy royal, fool fool gal jesus christ shut up , u dont have to if u buy u own house , most rental place inna farin, u affi show u pay slip , most rent offices up yah request u pay slip mom, gosh , smh
Sweety, this fool fool gal paid down on my house at 22 years old & moved in at 23. I now rent that house through an agent & never asked for a payslip from any of the 2 people I’ve rented to & haven’t had any issues to date. I was going to say that’s why I own properties in my initial post but I know the inferiority complexes some of you have about your little lives that make you think simple statements of fact are people boasting so I refrained. Thankfully whenever I travel from pillow to post I have my people to put me up or the hotel charges well sorted out.
That’s a stupid question as a owner me can tell you when them f**ker deh move out ah your place them leave is is a disaster so yes deposit and nuff ah dem gyal man get dem yard and when di man leave them them end stuck in the place without no job to pay for their rent kmt
I never had to do the pay slip. Pay slip will show your after tax income which may disqualify you. Simple job letter on company letterhead stating period of employment and annual salary should suffice, also HR contact info.
Jamaica ain’t nothing like farrin, we have it easier abroad. You see all the info they need in Jamaica to open a simple bank account? And that rental application I have never seen anything like it before. Jamaica is far way stricter on their requirements. Scammers mash up everything fi everybody.
Pay slip??????????????????? lol. Comedians.
and can bet this place is in the ghetto. smh
Check emmmaaail
Suh no farrin dem get the battyman shit from to? LOL
Nothing wrong with this to me. People tyad of nightmare tenants. Owners and property managers charge an application fee for the investigative administrative work that has to be done to make sure the documents that you have submitted are in fact legit and not bandulu made using creative suite.
Oh and yes background checks should be conducted. Not sure about anyone else but I would rather not lease my property unknowingly to someone who likes to molest children. Trust but verify.
But Jamaica is a place with loads of self employed individuals so the payslip bit can be a hassle another thing certain discrimination against individuals that are moving from the ghetto to uptown. There are so many factors in this that makes this extremely different from foreign not to mention the additional cost just to get a JP to sign a piece of form. It ridiculous most of it but I understand landlord concerns. And half of this property agencies don’t actually carry out background checks.
Section 24 of the rent board. Nothing farring about this. Just new to who no want to be accountable for other people property. They lucky the law won’t allow 1st 2nd and last to be collected.
People been living care-free in a people place and all tek ova till land owner fraid fi collect monthly rent. Those days are going. I hope this owner do a community check too, in person
you have to do like the EOJ.
Farrin dont even ask for all tht, but understand why they want tho
What you talking about?
America does APPLICATIONS,first and foremost, then run the social security number and verify employment.
Eviction and bad credit will cause people not to rent to you or give you a high deposit.
WELL ppl have right to protect them property,, half a weh dem a ask for ppl no got it. wait anyone can type things a roadside companies are cell phones wait for the script… for Jamaica is a show, need redit agencies to carry these tenants ppl hav to have leech in dem place to stop it from being captured, lets see how long dem a go kip it empty,, lawddd help us,,
a how much things u affi show khago fi rent him 25 bedroom house, why these people build huge houses like many living overseas don’t spend a year good in the house he is young and the misery start, 2 times they robbed his house, he said he slept in 58 chairs and floors in farrin, but on social media cussin him mother caused him lots a fans bout 10 entertainers him tell fi go suck dem madda, not so safe to walk around, never see come see dangerous
I know a landlord, two tenants in a row, paid the first two months rent and nothing more. It had to go to court and they eventually had to move but with nearly a years rent arrears.
Teef dem, only want to get in people’s place and its hard to get them out without a long drawn out court process
phantom P, dwll how u wicked so lol, when it left empty. the system dung deh, we will see wa god we serv, places dung deh cant tan empty too long. if dem no move in deh doors and windows missing,, toilets seat, face basin piece by piece every day,, u work hard to get a house, then comes all bo-weeivel want tek over u place, and or kill you rass in deh u pickney dem a farrin don’t want it family capture… it hard
Meet check emaailll! Its abt omar beatings!
Mi nuh get no email miss
Good morning Met & Metters.
A payslip is a private document in my book, so I wouldn’t be giving any hurry-come-up, neva-si-come-si landlord my private document. All they need is a letter from an employer confirming the person’s employment. As far as I’m concerned they want the payslip to see how much they can milk from the person. kmt As for that $500 form – thief is what this landlord is.
I have an issue with the payslip. I work overseas but normally visit Jamaica for 4 months every year (June – July and Nov -dec) I don’t stay with family when I visit so I mm normally only renting an apartment for 2 months and no longer.
Me showing a stranger my payslip will only invite trouble
Some a uuno dress up everyday an a buy 100 thousand dollars hair but don’t pay uno rent
Cindy royal, fool fool gal jesus christ shut up , u dont have to if u buy u own house , most rental place inna farin, u affi show u pay slip , most rent offices up yah request u pay slip mom, gosh , smh
Sweety, this fool fool gal paid down on my house at 22 years old & moved in at 23. I now rent that house through an agent & never asked for a payslip from any of the 2 people I’ve rented to & haven’t had any issues to date. I was going to say that’s why I own properties in my initial post but I know the inferiority complexes some of you have about your little lives that make you think simple statements of fact are people boasting so I refrained. Thankfully whenever I travel from pillow to post I have my people to put me up or the hotel charges well sorted out.
That’s a stupid question as a owner me can tell you when them f**ker deh move out ah your place them leave is is a disaster so yes deposit and nuff ah dem gyal man get dem yard and when di man leave them them end stuck in the place without no job to pay for their rent kmt
I never had to do the pay slip. Pay slip will show your after tax income which may disqualify you. Simple job letter on company letterhead stating period of employment and annual salary should suffice, also HR contact info.
Jamaica ain’t nothing like farrin, we have it easier abroad. You see all the info they need in Jamaica to open a simple bank account? And that rental application I have never seen anything like it before. Jamaica is far way stricter on their requirements. Scammers mash up everything fi everybody.