Opal and Tian look good together . The Boy want Yu R good good and she want him to. A true her p**y good , and fi R age she look good and still a set trend mek them hate R . But a boy yah cah tame still so let’s see how long this relationboat yah gonna last
Poppyshow smfh
Twinny we all know you put up yourself b/c pink wall a you bible. You live Pon pinkwall like met pay you fi siddung and read har wall. From wa day yah you just a nuff up yourself under every post even the post wid apple you keep a comment bout you look better and dress better, Bitch where??? You a look attention so bad. Tian walk and f**k like hog is nobody to be proud of, get your life old woman
Umm, if I was Twinny I would fall back. Twinny have you ever seen his wife…lol. She have bout 20 brother and sister and you is differently not hard to miss. Did he tell you his wife named her club after their daughter Sky?
Lmao … Opal set no trend … Because u can scam 2 name brand from wah day u think say u reach… Cause a bare cheap clothes u used to thief and use den mine man before so now u up ur game in the clothes department u think say u a happen … Twinny u can never look like Apple nor walk in her shoes. Apple man den mine her and u mine man straight or den use u so stop the pretending cause some of us know u. You love stalk man woman too if u a tek the man until the man use u enuf or tired of u then him run u!!! You never tek weh a gal man yet. So have several seats cause all the scam u a scam u can’t scam a pretty face or a good pussy only fake body parts and dat alone can’t hold no man … Show weh u live bitch !!! Only good fi go party or itch up Pon SM … Spend sum time wid u kids and post sum activities u do wid dem. my gosh u nuh shame ??? Just a live the same life over and over again and it nah put u know where, u keep trying to be relevant… But put this in ur pipe and smoke it u a one of the ugliest gal weh go party!!! U come almost last bitch!!! Evry body look Better than you … Bobbette, Apple jody, Kim, Kizzy and a lot more a beat u bad !!! Lol ur nothing but a laughing stock . Change u life bitch and do something progressive for a change and then maybe u can get sum respect idiot gal
Let me just point out Tihan used to fcuk Lala Posh…. him hood nuh have convenience
Let me fix that for u lala use to pay fi mi friend cocky
Tian is a NOBODYYYYYYY but I been heard about these 2 but he’s so basic and f**k ppl fi hype sameway him sleep wid Natalie 106 just fi use her name to promote the club when it just open he would f**k a handicap/blind elderly or dog him cocky have no shame
Twinny just his personal stylist an after hours fu*k nite alone him notice she
lol @1:09 PM you sound like one of dem….. DWL, why are you really mad? what’s the bigger picture in ref to da post. unu low thgyal, unu mad, we don’t care bout back inna da days we ah talk about now in days, bitches love call up past, if mi ever didcall up unu past dem would scatter like roach, stalker whey ehind the keys)
Unu nuh easy enuh . It don’t matter who the nigga f**k already , he’s all over with this chick twin my . so it muss be something about her he like or enjoying , whether she’s fake, ugly or not. This nigga been loving older woman at least his pass relationship proves that . Let people live
Dwpbrcl a mussi di papa boat dem weh mi use to mek outta bookleaf lol why is she neva smiling dem nuh have nuh pitcha a har teet? and if dem pretty cause mi nuh undastand dis. a android synthetic alone move suh
Twinny u set up ur self whyyyyyyyy stopmind man try to go back to school to learn to read an write uno tired fe man used u good god ,twinny wat about ur 4 kids wat about the two in boston that why them hate u so u own kids dont like u
@#teamtwinny u affi answer me because the truth hurts lol me nuh affi refer to the post because every body knows that tian is a dog and him don’t want nobody!!! Not even him wife not none of his babymothers much less twinny kmt me a chat bout u stay bad fren… Dnt want to talk about waste man tian. U fren nuh Mek it and neither do u … Bitches of a fetther flock together. Twin u is a bum bitch back then and now no Matter how much Gucci she wear her personality stinks. Love act like she nice but she is a trouble maker and I’m talking about experience with this ugly gal tell u friend to scam sum education, sum morals, a pretty face, a real good body, a good pussy, sum assets and a good life then she can try to be relevant. For now she nuh Mek it and I can bet u 1 million dollers next year this time she won’t be with tian… Dwl u frentwinny need fi born Over face tuff and ugly like sum ole dutty slimy gully … Thank God fi filter !!!! Twinny pics dem filter out bad till u can hardly see the structure of her face kmt u fren look like a bloodclatt duppy. Tian nuh want dat !!!! She need fi go outside a dancehall and find a decent man and change her life or she will continue to be a dancehall door mat … Tell u fren Twinny fi stop trouble gal over man weh nuh want her and maybe she would not have so much enemies. U think me just get up and don’t like her ??? She f**k wid me so me can done hat ugly rass. U fren ugly like and me nah stop say it. Big pussy ugly tiefing fake body opal u stay bad
Smh the youth na F**k wit nobody but u guys have all the bad shit to say the youth is cool a nuff a you party ppl him help u guys need to stop it .it’s a shame u Jamaicans
first of all u hate twinny bad , leave the girl alone ,tian or one a twinny pass f**k u and done wid uuuuu ,omg the hate weh u have a carry u ago get heart attack over twinnny cocky dem ,before and now bitch , tian see weh him never see inna u dutty gal , stop tell lie pon 106 ,mashup house gal , unhappy dead ,spit pon bitch, nuh man nuh wANT U SO U TEK SET PON THE GAL DEM, 106 A PROMOTER ,DAWG SHIT GAL ,TWINNY LOOK GOOD INNA HAR CLOTHES DEM STOP HATE,GO DO UR BODY TO AND STOP HATE,UNNEVER F**K TWINNY YET BUT UR MAN DID AND U STILL UPSET,TEK HIM WHEN UR PUSSY GREAT ,BIG 106 AND TWINNY
Who’s her twin?? And how old is she?
Listen to me wah kn bout twinny before pinkwall or social media , this is her , this is her life fi years , shi have her kids send dem wey , just fi man, party and road, opal.love street youths, she love hustlers , cause she love fast money , look if you si her post nothing classy or shi post bout PTA school funtion fi her kids dem etc , the street life is opals , she love clothes and hype life , notice d man dem wah opal chat to , all hustlers , she love man wah , jealous affa er , boyz wah beat er an dem tings dah , trust me dats opal
@1:09 as much has mi an opal anoh friend , a lie u a tell , opal dress better dan all d name dem u call, opal change up her style , apple always inna body suit, an d rest dem always look d same , twinny change it up her body look better dan all a dem , bobbette cah cum near twinny , cause bobette look like a little black boy , yankimichelle look like a drag queen , u wah i how sum gal did a look an laugh after her a d party , she look like a big transgender , soh teck dat back opal is best dress for me
But all of this for Tian and he’s still sleeping with Keisha and she walk and talk how him freaky bad and luv buy pussy he has no problem paying ur rent for some sex.
Long time he’s doing this not a secret so I don’t see who in there right mind would tek him seriously or fight over him
Don’t he still live with his baby mother tingy on Long Island ..
Isn’t he still living with his baby momma on Long Island ( tin-ggg )
Is getting dressed and going into dingy, smokey ghetto clubs, all she lives for? What about classy places! Traveling, or going cleanup places? When your 60 are you going still be doing the same things..
@anon 8:02 opal look like a ugly drag queen lol at least Yankee Michelle have a pretty face and bobbette might not be pretty but she far from ugly and the world knows that apple is a pretty girl … Jody look like a tranny too but she still nuh ugly … Twinny ugly and u know it plus she ugly on the inside one badmind bitch she be and love to pretend for social media … I hope she change her ways cause she nuh nice. kmt I have a banging natural body and my man loves it and would never look at twinny for a second so why would I want to get my body done ??? Unu love talk bout badmind I don’t badmind dat bitch a she badmind me … She always did and alwys f**k wid me so me can dunnnn her ova yah … Unu friend ugly like monkey … And to the next anon … I don’t want tian… Weh me a do wid whoring tian ??? Bitch talk sum sense into unu friend dunce head so she can improve her life
Wey opal fi travel goh and shi cah get her papers sort out plus is her kids dem goverment assistant shi a live affa a goverment pay opal rent , shi noh wuk no wey
Mi laugh off a nuff a dem whea front fi di gram,Opal landlord did afi carry har go court fi non payment of rent and is only 300 shi did afi pay.
http://jamaicangroupiemet.com/blog/2010/09/04/twinny-wha-u-a-eat-or-nah-eat/ twinny a come a far way, yuh right fi say she look good yah now. Tbt this is.