The Associated Press‏Verified account

BREAKING: UN General Assembly votes 128-9 to declare US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital `null and void’..


    1. And Trump did not plan on giving them anything in the first place…He hasn’t given much aid since he been in office

        1. But to how Jamaica lickey lickey :nohope
          Didnt one of his african ambassadors or one of those mission people resign a few weeks ago? The man didnt even want to give aid to Puerto Rico or British Virgin Islands…..Dominica got hit by the hurricane too and he didnt give them no aid ..Jamaica is so shameless

          1. I saw someone calling out Jamaica yesterday for possibly not standing up to Trump today. Here we go, we ass kiss as usual–mendicancy at its worst. Jamaica is America’s sketel…

          2. Sketel Bomb who will not be getting anything from Trump come 2018…Funny enough, most of the african countries realized that they would not be getting any aid from trump early on…..I cant believe Holness mek Jamaica look like some carless gyal so with this…

    2. To abstain was smartest for Jamaica. Nobody can say they voted one way or the other. Canada also abstained…the rest of Europe and the Arab world. Venezuela etc. make dem know say look yah, we cannot be bought, it’s a noooooo

  1. US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley:

    “”The United States will remember this day in which it was singled out for attack in this assembly,” Haley said. “We will remember it when we are called upon to once again make the world’s largest contribution” to the UN and when other member nations ask Washington “to pay even more and to use our influence for their benefit.”

    Haley said the US will put its embassy in Jerusalem regardless of the vote.”


    “”We’re watching those votes,” the President said. “Let them vote against us, we’ll save a lot. We don’t care.””

      1. Agreed, she was supposed to be the voice of reason and since she is a responsible and respectable person, I find that this statement of hers is more dangerous than most of Trumps.

        Her current posturing is a massive departure form when she removed the confederate flag in SC.

          1. Lindsey was a kiss ass from long time because I cant think that it jus appear so ..He knows Mccain wont live a long time …u dont even see them walking together as usual anymore…because he is so much securing his ass under trump..

          2. I have a political blog and Im working on a piece hopefully I can get it out by the 31st because I cant believe politicians are such cowards..the only one who would have stood up to trump is fidel ..all a dem even when he insults them they say nothing….and look at this lowlife threat ..never in life

      2. Absolutely, thought she was smarter. Instead she take the same line of pettiness and bullyism whe really isn’t furthering their agenda. When I read the pushback from the no votes, I was proud of them. Strong words about it. The yes votes were mainly needy places outside of Israel.

      1. What about me.? I’m interested in politics as well. I know sharing that site will diminish your anonymity but I would like to read the musings of the mind behind this website.

          1. That’s really good that you gonna have one. Cause I always loved how u miss the bombshells with the serious news and seek to educate the public on matters of substance. Big up yuhself and Merry Christmas to u and family

  2. Shut dung it backside YES.

    Honestly, I don’t give much energy to this issue. America isn’t the finality in all things. Trump can keep him aide. It will cause some dead beat nations to strive di sem damn self and remember this bait from the orange king 😀

  3. I have never seen this before is it his craziness that scares them or a greed I’m confused too Met smh I just don’t know wats going on

  4. Shut it down yes. I grieve for my country cause I really was hoping that being that Andrew is a church man he would do better

    1. Being a church man, fashion stop it 😀

      Who conquer church more than the republican party in a America and destroy constitutions wid dem religious ideologies, globally ? Andrew a 7 day 😀 😀 read how dat de base started out.

      Jamaica jew famly dem still influential in the back ground.

  5. Ms Met! nikki healey is just talking to save face as she knew from the get go what UN sentiment on any isreali/palestinian issue will always be, she is just saving face by talking tuff to please and appease the boss, and as for “andrew-hole up” he’s been held hostage not necessarily by America as everyone might think, he’s been held hostage by isreali intelligence and the isreali mafia, I could fill you in on some of the hoopla with some of those high society elites in that JLP party but pinkwall page is not big enough to hold the passa, ganja harvest, organ harvest(one of the contributing factors for the pandemic murder rate), using the poor dunce and illiterate jamaican population for guinea pig testing by isreali bio-pharma companies to test newly developed vaccines and pharma drugs, and the list goes on, don’t think the trip to Israel was for vacation or a symbolic one :travel here’s to the blogger 2 weeks ago who called me a labourite.

  6. You can’t shut down prophecy Jerusalem belongs to the Jews and the Bible tells you that Jesus will return through the East gate of Jerusalem the Palestinians will do anything to stop that they went as far as to seal the east gate.

    This war is from bible days wife and matey Pinckney a fight. Sara and Hagar sons a fight over the land that god gave Abraham to give Issac Donald trump got it right for once.

    1. Which Jew yah talk bout? The AskaNAZI invaders or the TRUE born and breed Mizrahi & Sephardics? Don’t. Let those Europeans fool you.

      Ole land wonderers found a weak fence in that region and are now committing genocide.

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