HIDE MI ID….WHEN YUH POST….I am a single mother right and I know the frustration that spice had to deal with bcuz in life we partner up these men n think they will be a father in the end no matter what the situation may be….and then u have mothers that paint a picture like the father dont care bcuz he moved on n uses the children against him bcuz he finds new hoes/wife/spouse/gal what ever we may wanna call it…just to make this clear they are both wrong for not coming to terms on the kids level….we are not super hero here n we can’t give a child fatherly as a mother n we cant give a child motherly love as a father so I say all this to say is that we all grown the kids will be too so let’s not be the attention that the media needs bcuz we all need that one person that we had strong feelings for at one point in time to be there…..spice is just mad that it took him 3 years to show up….but it’s better he took this long than he never showed up none at all spice if u ever get to read this just remember he fathered your first two most motivation that keeps u going be calm n let him have his way…life is so short n things turn for the worst n then it get better at some point in time he was good to u and u loved him…..so for the sake of a good night sleep let him get a piece of what he missed so his confidence n lack of not being his kids life for that period kill him slowly…..your great n doing great…let not be the universe or become our old generation…..eat love n laugh and remember that God loves us no matter what
Well said. You know how many ppl have never gotten the chance to get themselves straightened out.
Amen May God give her the strength and help her to heal. This man is evil and weighed her down. So he did all of this to set people to bash her.
Good advice
Nicholas Lal was living with another baby mother when spice tek him. Now Nicholas too licky licky just like the typical Jamaican dirty low life men. Mi nuh sorry fi Nicholas, serve him right, him tek spice because she had more to offer than his other girl he was living with, now look how Nicholas life is a living hell. Nasty licky licky Jamaican men, let this be a dam lesson when uno have uno little girl nuh mek hype and famous women tek uno and treat uno like dog shit. look how spice treat Nicholas and I don’t sorry for Nick one bit, a licky liicky and greedy behavior das why u end up with this now. Karma reach u nastiness Nick a good fi u. when people evil and treat others bad, karma treat uno worse and this is what reaching Nicholas.