Let me address Spice real quick..
In a world where there are so many people, it is completely NORMAL to feel alone and it is even more NORMAL to not be able to share your deepest inner most thoughts. It is normal because , for all of us, there is a side of us that only we know and the fear of judgement and being perceived in a way that would make us uncomfortable.
In saying the above, I have never gotten the feeling that you had anything more to hide based on the parts of you that you have already shown to the public. When Grace has not made the headlines she employs Disgrace to do it for her, who did you employ this Sunday? You are asking for favor in the form of prayers for Grace,when does it stop and where does it begin? I honestly want to know,Spice.
Mistrust usually begins in our innermost parts and I find that when one does not trust oneself it is hard to trust another human being. Spice please employ ”grace” when choosing your next batch of friends and when disgrace tries to tell you to ”have something over them” before you can show them a small piece of Grace and hire ” favor” while you are at it.
Spice you chose to entertain us, please do not disgrace Grace because she is not what we signed up for. Is this a message you were sending to a man you are iinvolved with and want him to see your softer side? Talk to me please..abeg
I doubt that you have lacked the wonderful and comforting feeling of a friendship because all that has been exposed about you in the entertainment world was done by you.
Long before now, there you were, speaking out publicly that Beenie man had tried to talk to you, a few months before his wedding…..and to date his ex-wife is still cool with you Grace. She was a front seat guest in your theatrics…when you lamented on the fact that Beenie told you that D’Angel wanted what was in his bank account. She still coo with you spice…. coo coo cool. What was there to trust about you after that?
Kartel took you in for a spell and Disgrace presented herself again and you told the world that he was the devil. He still coo coo with you Spice. He is calling you ”Queen of Dancehall”, aint that some sheet?
Tanbad was your friend for years until he didn’t attend your party and you put on Facebook that you paid him with ‘Juicy Beef’ food. He took himself out of the picture and rightly so…no more disgrace from you Grace.
Your long time lady friend Lady Saw who took you in after you beat your baby father’s ex to a pulp and the landlord asked you to move. Both of you spent years backbiting each other with you outdoing Lady Saw in the end. And when she forgot about you, you stayed remembering her so much so that you accused her and her assistant via twitter of being s*xually involved. Remember that Spice? The same assistant that tried to be there for you during your arguments with Saw, you turned on her without notice. … and gave her no explanation.
And I ask, why lament now? Is this for Love and Hip Hop………..remember your genre is Dancehall and being that it is missing from Love and Hip Hop’s title, it is mirroring what you may be feeling..You don’t fit in and in the world of trust the distrustful won’t fit in. Spare yourself the disgrace of finding a story line to fit in a world where you were never considered to be a part of in the first place. Prayers will not give you the million more followers u may be seeking. For all we know, the God whom you have asked us to pray to has said ”suffer not a witch to live” and Disgrace has been guilty of witchery so Im asking you please to put her back in her box—- for a few more weeks..This side has caught all of us of guard so please return Grace aka Spice as soon as possible. A speedy delete of the post with the horrid hair do would be a nice way to start the week..And prayers after fo sho. :kiss
For you Miss Yanique I must begin with this poem
Woman Work by Maya Angelou
I’ve got the children to tend
The clothes to mend
The floor to mop
The food to shop
Then the chicken to fry
The baby to dry
I got company to feed (Pay close attention to this line)
The garden to weed
I’ve got shirts to press
The tots to dress
The can to be cut
I gotta clean up this hut
Then see about the sick
And the cotton to pick.
Shine on me, sunshine
Rain on me, rain
Fall softly, dewdrops
And cool my brow again.
Storm, blow me from here
With your fiercest wind
Let me float across the sky
‘Til I can rest again.
Fall gently, snowflakes
Cover me with white
Cold icy kisses and
Let me rest tonight.
Sun, rain, curving sky
Mountain, oceans, leaf and stone
Star shine, moon glow
You’re all that I can call my own. (And note this)
Where is your womanhood Yanique? Is it in the punny printer pics you show or in the lame publicity stunt you pulled last week?
I ask because for someone with a teen daughter, you have dishonored your daughter’s steps. Yes, you have dishonored them by making a mockery of domestic violence , something all women including your daughter should be sensitive to.
Ms. Diva, instagram isn’t a career, Marlon Samuels has a career. He is a Cricketer and while you are on Instagram posing for an unannounced contest, Mr. Samuels has a responsibility to a team. Your actions were disgraceful, loathsome, deceptive and desperate. You tried to work up your Instagram audience the day before by making a vague announcement and then elaborating on it the following day with career suicidal accusations and posting a partial conversation, making it seem as if you were being forced to do drama to establish your career. What career is that?
Ms. Diva, I do not fault Mr. Samuels for coming forward with the full conversation because your sensational post could have cost him his job, his reputation and the fact that he has pledged responsibility to his mother shows that , he may be a tad more thoughtful than you. Who are you responsible for Yanique were you thinking about your baby girl Yanique? Why was it so easy to lie on Mr. Samuels?
Ms.Diva, this past January a fellow Jamaican was killed by men hired by her husband was an act of domestic violence, it is deadly and it is serious. Did you hope that Mr. Samuels stayed quiet and allowed you to out him with the hopes of boosting your no-go Dancehall career?
Mr. Samuels’ career is real, its beyond instagrm, yours Ms.Diva is not. When you sat and connived with your ”agent” to saddle up your fans in your fake ”domestic violence” sorry for campaign ,did you think about the repercussions? What do you think would happen to you after you posted the partial message that Mr. Samuels sent to your agent? You should be ashamed.
Listen Ms. Ass-is-grass-even-on-a-brand-new-jackass, domestic violence is real, it is responsible for the deaths of many women it is not a sorry for card in your ”saddle up instagram fans charade”. How dare you use your platform to misrepresent such a serious topic! I do hope Mr. Samuels takes some form of action because using him and his career to market yourself was a thoughtless and selfish idea for which you need to be taken into account for and promptly.
From what was said by Mr. Samuels, he had you and your friend, ”Miss-dont-know-how-to-come-out-of-the-jill-in-the-box, and he was perfectly willing for you to use that as a way to elevate your ”careers”. What about that was upsetting to you? For all we know, both of you have claimed singledom while bed hopping in the very claustrophobic Jamaican ”money/influential circle”. One bed has led to another with you two and still nothing to show but instagram followers — flat-tummy tea/fashion nova??? If I may be allowed to remind you darlings that you are both mothers and motherhood extends further than any insta-career you may be seeking. Please… do think.
Lying on the man and his person was a bad idea and Im sure with the message that he showed to us—— by whatever platform he chose to show it on, highlights the fact that you are a liar and an opportunist. You took his daftness for granted,thinking that he wouldn’t have been smart enough to speak out and even if he did, with his limited vocabulary —–you who chose to inflate your ass with leaded ass-propane would still look good. You dont!
You are looking like a lying ass fool this Monday morning. A loathsome , lying, deceptive, ass-at-at-your-knees-in-three-years kind of fool. I do hope at the end of the day you will issue an apology to the true victims of domestic violence who didnt deserve your mockery. It is serious and it is real , it is not superficial , it cuts deep, it’s not a ”puton”, its a real life issue. And, it is realer than the body you paid for with scars as deep as the sinking of the liquid in your ass that has descended it to your mid thigh.
I am ashamed and embarrassed that you really tried this, not that I expected more of less of you but, I thought that someone, somewhere around you would have stilled your hand and told you not to lie,not to jeopardize someone’s career with your foolish f-ckery and more importantly, not to mock women who are in dangerous situations.
Spice gwanny gwanny too much for someone with no talent. A dat a frustrate her. Her lack of talent. Gal sang dem whack af. A the dancers a keep her going. Wish Vanessa Bling was more outgoing because she make wayyyyyyyyyyy better songs!
Met morning, omg I feel bad for spice/grace. Do she have a stylist or someone to help with her appearance? Because if she tan bad one more time I will step in and help her for free.my heart goes out for her she stay very bad the hair n nails is a no no. Someone please save her from herself.
My God so Spice evil towards friends and towards ppl that show you love . No one can lived comfortably or happy treating others like the way you Grace treat ppl never . Teeth & toung meet but vindictive to ppl that help us is pure evil in one heart. Food we give ppl shouldn’t bring up in discussion. Bwoy spice you is a dangerous friend to anyone.
That’s why mi nuh run into women. Hi and by from a distance.
TANBAD was a friend to spice, he was the one that sprayed the boots and he didn’t let anyone know. He worked on spice bar and when he was done instead of paying him Spice bought him 2 patty and then curse him afterwards about it. Anybody that curse people about food is not good, her baby father did right by her but because she was the one making the money she did him dirty, even when people talk to her about it, she didn’t listen, she thought the man would never leave because off the money.
I bow down to the author of this post! :maafaganwati :maafaganwati :maafaganwati :maafaganwati :peluk
I wish I had the patience to address people the way you do… Blessings.
Mi seh mi loooove it suh till!!! Its (MY) favourite well written post!!! (The best to date) well done Aunty well done!!!! The slept on Jamaican Journalist!!! Dem nuh see seh u a di greatest???!
Aunty!!! Mi know Spice r damn self must love this and seh u kno r more Dan how she kno r damn self!!! This post is the truth and nothing But the Naked TRUTH!!! One minute Ms.corrupt disgrace a disgrace people then Ms.Grace a cry victim a beg pitty for Grace Hamilton!!! U r SICK!! Go seek a Shrink!!! Not even shrink can save you!! U are who you are # disgrace!
Remember all with Spice baby father how many times she mek up things fi get in the paper n he was down with her n the fake stories each time. Mi a wonder what she really did a study yesterday.
Totally agree, it so good to read unbiased truth.
Kmt looking validation from people. How can people love dem when dem nuh love themselves? Bayy disgrace dem bring down pan themselves.
senda what a wayy u deal wid yanique…! nice and proppa
Gm met, wonderfully written and hit the nail on the head
Good mawnin
I love you sender for this. I used to rate yanique but her behavior has gotten out of hand. She just seems like an attention seeking whore, AND I just pity her. Marlon hype yes, but from listening to him you can tell its someone that is hurt due to the fact that someone is trying to tarnish is rep. Yanique this is low even for you. You are one sad sad girl.
if yanique really aa lie,,, she lie baaaad how do u tell lie that he came to the gate a magnum to bad up security, the allegations don’t mek sense re her lieng there is other people can verify her story,, she knows the man got money, why put him or yourself out there like that,,, plus only cricket enthusiast follow this man danchall ppl don’t follow cricket, So she put him in the limelight so people know who is samuels, see him think people a diss him for NY sister don’t kno him,, she say cricket no play a US she no care who he is
No one backed up her story though..not one time
They are just hungry for fame and will do and say anything to get their way. Spice is just a angry bitch inside she is so angry that she can’t take lady saw place, foxy please go sit yourself in a corner who on this earth is going to tell you their deepest secrets? When you yourself is so unstable. Please go sit down and get yourself together figure out what you want to do with your life.
Her story was far fetched!!! U kno u a try play out the role in ur head and it just naa match the person’s character?! Some of the things said abt Marlon ddnt match him at all!mi just cudn see him doing certain things
As someone said, she was always single so when did she find man ??
ppl a tek might and beat right,, and all the never see come see carry on… the gentleman himself on social media allegedly implying he is in something with his lawyer of 10yrs, OUCH and she on the case come on, that shows conflict of interest watch this people, he said he surround himself with lawyers and doctors,,, so why u go near the diva? anyone free fi tek who dem want tek, consequence come lata
A lot of men have had the diva including Usain n Mavado. He was down with them using the love triangle as a career boost until she took it too far. What songs she talking about she wrote the things in? They need to stop using fake plots to push their career n go work on a real career
We a tek truth and beat lie. Why post part of the man’s message? If she reported him to the police we do need to see those reports n why bring a lawyer in when u don’t have a case? The man screw she n screw ishawna n seh yes ppl know so dem can gwaan use dat n all mek song wid it. He was not looking to wife yanique so why the big thing on social media?
G seh that not because of his internet presence. Jamaica is small, if u move in certain circles u get to know ppl. Seeing yanique on ig don’t mean u know her.
Hi met Ishawna and d’angel two worst disgraceful woman I have ever seen two woman had men that had a little money that they could have use and went back to school. They all turned to fame. The more the light dim the more them try all sort of disgraceful things to turn it back up, Ishawna mek son bout how boy house big and car big. Why she never mek a song encouaring herself to do better, them is a big big disgrace.
I concur I concur!!!
From what marlon said he and yanique plan out to use each other ( it seems that he him self seeking fame out side of the cricket world ) anyways ishawna release a song about marlon without him knownimg about it….and that took away all the attention from yanique and marlon, because ppl start to wonder if he’s now ishawna man. So he said that’s why yanique not start with her anticts, also I thought she was implying he’s been a victim of abuse so she won’t take marlon stalking she didn’t say he about her. Maybe I need to go read her post again.
Same so it go. There was a plan n she tek up Satan torch n run wid it
Met, morning glad to hav ya in da house dwlll it out deh on utube him an f/book hero,, hero say in a long time him a look her and she gone tek smaddy fi stress her out, him swear him neva sleep wid ishawna
I don’t think him n yanique was like that cause she is tekking zum and the others :travel
Whoeva write dis hit di nail on di head. These so-called bitches will do anything to be in the spotlight. If what Yanique alleged is lie, then she is a bitter, stupid bitch. How dear she used domestic violence as a platform for her bullshit. If she had experience domestic violence, then she would know it is not something you frivolously lie about. Dem sick mi damn stomach, and to think she has a daughter. Hmmm carma is a bitch.
Eh ya busy tiday… Country buncan rass grace all now the bright lights a frighten her u don’t talk ova food shameless, u shouldn’t even goo a atl go talk how u used to walk barefoot Jamaicans kno dat already, look pon the ppl dem face when she a talk bout barefoot to one boot
Met , a wonder if spice secret a go come out pon love and hip hop sey she a lesbian , that why she is asking everyone to pray for her . Mi feel like she confided inna one a dem on the show and her secret bus out on the show suh now she scared about what the public ago sey lol a that mi spirit tell me a go happen . Lol mi a bet mi money pon it
What a long epistle. Me just read the comments. Time nuh mek yet fi them sumn deh
Marlon swear on his mom and kids that he and ishawna not involve, he also said that is two time him ever see ishawna and that was the meeting with her and her team about him being in the vid and the day of the video…..the whole a them trick the ppl good, good. But it’s wrong when now yanique is making such claim against him that would cost him a lot more. So I think that’s why he’s coming forward and spilling it.
I don’t know if anyone will respond but can someone make a list of all the men that smashed Yanique
What you want check if her numbers matches yes? Why women love count f**ks that doesn’t concern them?
>Usain Bolt
>PoshByV Husband
>Greg Christian (LeanClean Husband)
That’s just a few.
Spice hair fava Madusea with the blue worm, dam disgusting, with a friend like Greasy Grace, you need need an enemy, all the ppl that you reject and hype, u would love to have even one of them in your corner, u nuh genuine at all Greasy Grace, as to you over stuffed Yanqiue, I feel it fi u mother, and u daughter, they did not asked for this, why is your morals, even if your pussci suffer from starvation like u suffer from attention, never can satisfy, remember these 2 ppl, I don’t want to go into it bout what you do with this abuse thing, because all next week we still nuh done diss you, thank God, even though you thought Marlon nuh too bright, he was smart enough to not allow you to bring down what he built over the years. Big up u self Metty, excellent writing, story properly put together.
Spice email Met fi a likkle advice. You played til you played yourself…….Yanique Im watching your next moves very carefully.
Me say smaddy diss up spice call har big shaq all now she no get the picture. Spice the comments meant you look like shaq that play basketball ball . I have a feeling say spice and one the Yankee gal fck ‘ spice if a Tammy & you slide up together she no keep har mouth hope you no beg pssy from one off them American gal pon love & hip hop cause they will exposed you big time . Spice your a full blown lesbian not bisexual you love pssy like any man so come out the closet .
Big Shaq is the alter ego of British comedian Michael Delpaah.
@Spicey i dont know if Spice a lesbian or not but if she was,thaaaat is the perfect show for her and the one person that she is really cool with on the show is loose lip Karlie thusty Redd so on that note nothing is a secret once it goes into Karlie dont have no red ears
Dat domestic claim deh did have me scratching my head yesterday but didn’t say nutten was just waiting for it to all play out and here it is …big up uself Met :2thumbup :2thumbup :2thumbup as fi Spice she di DEVIL an har conscience a beat har bad might as well she go Inna church
Can’t use the word ladies with these girls, all dem see is money. What won’t they do for fame/money. Beautiful young women and they are all over the place and no man don’t want them for more than a night, sad. I advice them to take their losses and come off of social media, enough now. Spice you should have stayed with the babyfather. You would have someone in your corner, really sad to see you hurting like this. All of them choose money over people, was it worth it? The joy was short lived, I agree with most of the comments especially the one about D’angel and Ishawna. Met good job on the write up
Hi Met,
have you ever considered to interview any of these ladies? I wonder if they think they are too big for this here platform. Big up uself Met journalism at its best.
Do you still conduct interviews? I’m asking because this post was written by our very own Nobel Peace Prizes winner
Sure, they can link me u know
Females tend to cry wolf at times to tarnish a man’s reputation. They do so by speaking on issues such as domestic violence in order to get other females to sensitize with them. Yanique knew this was the perfect line to mention in all the chaos that has been happening to let others see Marlon in a negative way. It’s so evident because most of the comments on her ig is pointed towards bashing him even though the staement made was vague. Yanique is a smart woman and she is quite aware that people would neglect all the lies and focus on that specific issue. I love this post and i agree 100%. We as Jamaicans are blindsided and jumpy. We need to look more in depth at the information provided by both parties.
Females tend to cry wolf at times to tarnish a man’s reputation. They do so by speaking on issues such as domestic violence in order to get other females to sensitize with them. Yanique knew this was the perfect line to mention in all the chaos that has been happening to let others see Marlon in a negative way. It’s so evident because most of the comments on her ig is pointed towards bashing him even though the staement made was vague. Yanique is a smart woman and she is quite aware that people would neglect all the lies and focus on that specific issue. I love this post and i agree 100%. We as Jamaicans are blindsided and jumpy. We need to look more in depth at the information provided by both parties.
MET weh the res a man dem did deh when she deh a him yard one whole week,, a tutty camera in him house plus 5 dogs… almighty him say the dogs dem mek up nise when dem see her someone ketch him mouth deh ooooo
Di res a man dem did a get dus text
Mi just sorry seh mi neva comment wah mi did ago comment when mi fuss see di post drap.. but a just cause di topic sensitive mi naay badda… But I know di gal was a lieing, she’s a liar… Mi neva know she have a child, girl tuh, an a gwan suh…. Spice a di only real dark dark skin person mi eva see mi cyaaah too spirit.. das why har black look dirty…spice yuh nuh know much bout farrin but yuh gaan pan love an hop… A di poor sleeping ass ppl dem whey nuh know betta mek dat what it is. Mi tink yuh hudda do sumting different spice mi naa lie, especially cause a yuh kids mum…. Just a seh still everyone diff but yuh mek a decision whey mi huddnt even think fi mek still… but mi fine out and understand seh ano everybody bawn fi great fi change something inna di world… Some a fi di opposite.
Yanique go find di man whey beats yuh is not dat one industry pumpum.
Spice the queen thought the dancehall palace that she so wants to rule is a sweet haven. It seems as if what she expect of USA not going her way. When no one is talking about the queen, she always come up with some depressing status to get some attention.