A photo went viral in T&T over the weekend with what some viewers thought was a woman and a bbay hold a toy gun that the baby had put in its mouth. As of this evening Trinidad & Tobago Police released a statement confirming that the gun was real and the woman in the photo was a police officer. The photo is now under police investigation
Hmmm, the person holding the baby looks like a teenager, not more than 15 years old.
Even if no bullet not in there,this is gross negligence n poor parenting. She should lose her job and be prosecuted.
Lose your job and your baby you f**king cunt !
Pardon my language but HOW is this jackass making sense ?
Same way she is irresponsible at home same way she will be on the job! She is young and stupid,!
Suppose the gun went off ? Even no bullets it is still a danger for a child to suck on it.
Her rollers too tight and as I always say, these chemicals in these women hair damage a small part of them brain!
What a jackass of a woman
SMH anything fi di gram huh lock up har nastiness