Former Youth Parliamentarian Kimberly Teelucksingh, who was also a former Miss TT/India beauty queen contestant, was found hanging in the bedroom of her Princes Town home.
Hours before she was due to graduate from the University of the West Indies Kimberly Teelucksingh, 24, was found hanging from a rafter of a bedroom at her Iere Village Branch Road, Princes Town home around 5.50 pm on Wednesday.
The former beauty queen is believed to have committed suicide
But why tho?
How tragic!!!Seemingly she had everything to live for. .poised for greatness n just chose to check out early. ..so sad!
Omg she might have been battling depression.So sad
Depression is never easy to handle. Some people’s mind can be very fragile and just one single incident can push them over the edge. The act if suicide or the thought of it is either to put an end to internal demons or to hurt someone who you love because you thing they wronged you
Oh lawks what kind of darkness enveloped this soul for her to make such a permanent decision.
Sad when people find themselves in such hopelessness.
This is the second suicide that I am aware of days apart from each other,both under the age of 25. I suspect that vicious and relentless depression with a few other things are to be blamed here.
We will never know why she did it or even if she even committed suicide, she could have been murdered.
I remembered trying to commit suicide at 9 years old because my dad gave me the beating of my life with an electric cord because my cousin told him I stole his $10 coin (Yes when dem just come out) my dad didn’t even ask any question ( as I was doing GSAT classes from early ) and that was the only way I could think of to hurt my father
Goodness gracious. Glad you chose life.
straight to hell she go….. next subject
God has the final say. There are too many questions to jump to that conclusion.
You think so? A we in the hell. Wherever she is caan worse than what man create down here.
Good as fi dem! You are goods for no one. That was mean af. Remember her family is reading this. You need fi kill your f*ked up personalry. Go with peace n light you need it!!! F**king bitch!!
Ah true, tell had again. That was a most unkind thing to say about a woman that in such a bad place that she took her life