Jamaicans waiting emigrate to the United States (US) could be in for a long and uncertain future.
US President Donald Trump announced late Monday that he intends to sign an executive order temporarily suspending all immigration to America.
Trump blamed the move on the new coronavirus pandemic that has devastated the US, killing 42,000 and infecting 800,000.
“In light of the attack from the invisible enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our great American citizens, I will be signing an executive order to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States,” Trump said in a message posted on Twitter.
Mi this ya Antichrist ya
No green card or citizen interviews or visa issues. Everything on stand still .
Carrot face wanted to do this from the inauguration,if its up to him and him alone all immigrants citizen or green card holder,as a matter of anything black woulda afi leggo from bout yah,and him just mek America White Again.
He is only pandering to his base, the people who elected him and want to see all immigrants excluded from the USA. The problem is, without immigrants, major sections of the US economy would shut down (Construction for example). He knows this, so whatever he is doing, he knows it won’t fly and will be challenged in the courts. He is just grandstanding!
So let’s open the beaches in Florida but in the same breath let’s close immigration. What a mess.
Biometrics centers are closed here in NYC so I can imagine a suspension being put in place.
who looking to go to america now…leadership weak…disease spreading…and when supplies short best believe CITIZENS and not green card holders will be priority. In MY country I know where to turn, how to survive and I am a priority. Ill take our 180 cases over a free trip with spending money to the USA now
Fe a man who married three times, and 2 of the women who him did / is married to came into the Country as Immigrants (1st wife and present wife), you would think Trump would have a “thing” fe Immigrants. But no to rawtid, this SOB just have a hatred fe many immigrants (mostly black and brown – skinned people). I hope to God that this MOFO lose the upcoming election later on this year yu see!!!!!
He doesn’t have a problem with Europeans at all hence his marriages to the two gold diggers. Like you said it’s just people of colour. He won’t lose no election. He is needed as a distraction to the real sh*t that’s going on behind the scenes.
:travel as much as i hate to say it and believe me i do because by now everyone knows I’m no fan of orangeade but this moment is the only exception where his actions are understandable and one might even go further and say justifiable! since he previously erred at almost everything else including ignoring vital intelligence info which could’ve minimize the infection rate not to mention the circus performance at press conferences riding tricycle on rope and juggling balls :ngakak the least he can do is demonstrate some type of leadership or whats left of it, by protraying that he’s protecting the citizens welfare and securing the nation’s interest in a global pandemic and health crisis! also one has to look at the country’s “economic!” it will be in a “iffy” state until recovery and how soon no one knows, amid the chaos and uncertainty in the moment, immigration can’t be part of the equation for health and economic reasons, like I said before its in a situation like this the US constitution empowers a president to do such and NOT to use the constitution as a cover or umbrella to exert a racist agenda! we’ll keep our eyes wide open to see if or where the ones who plays a pivotal role in agriculture especially now that its on life support will facture in, not to mention the ones that are desperately needed now for his business :ngakak :travel
RimJob ah bay fuckry you chatting