President-elect Donald Trump questioned in an interview broadcast Sunday whether the United States should continue its “one China policy” unless Beijing makes concessions on trade and other issues.

“I don’t want China dictating to me,” Trump said as he made a vehement defense of his recent phone conversation with the president of Taiwan.

“I don’t know why we have to be bound by a one China policy unless we make a deal with China having to do with other things, including trade,” he added in the interview on Fox News Sunday.

He was responding to a question on his taking that call this month from Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, breaking with decades of US diplomatic tradition that recognises Beijing as the sole representative of China.

Trump said he had had just a couple of hours notice that the call was coming, not weeks or longer as has been reported.

Besides trade, Trump said China was not cooperating with America on its handling of its currency, on North Korea and its nuclear weapons, or on tensions in the South China Sea, where he said China is building “a massive fortress.”

On the nuclear weapons issue, Trump argued that China as North Korea’s main patron “could solve that problem.”

“They’re not helping us at all,” Trump said.

Trump said it would have been disrespectful not to take the call from Tsai, who he said wanted to congratulate him on his election win.

“It was a very nice call. Short. And why should some other nation be able to say I can’t take a call?,” Trump asked.


  1. Trump fan I’m not, but china need sime disruption.

    A notice dem a play some modern game of colonialism. Dem need to be slowed drastically.

    1. U.S cannot slow dem because we owe dem. They allowed China to take over trade and mek business bad here fi U.S retail. All Aliexpress fi get ban from di U.S mi think but at the same time U.S haffi slow dem roll..If you pull your hand outa tiger mouth hard ur hand will catch its teeth so u haffi do it slow. Also, what Trump does not know is that the U.S always thought that their military was more advanced and employed a Chinese spy by mistake who leaked years and years worth a U.S military secrets and the U.S still not sure how much was leaked because they caught on late..hence China’s building in the sea.. Everything is strategy and u cant win the battle then lose the war.

        1. And dem full the U.S a whole heap a spies PP because the U.S lax pan who dem nuh fi lax pan..The chances whey other foreign counties get Jamaicans dont get that so thats what dem get

          1. Me know all that you ecpressed is truth.
            America n Europe did interfere wid the global balance when de wage opium war, so china sit, watch, buikd ans wait and now opportunity ripe.
            Africa and Jamaica need fi cap xhina activities and trump can go do border war wid dem.
            America give out citizenshp too dam easy so any plant can get it and play dem part ans get clearance in a government. Dem join military and turn contractors all First Lady :travel

          2. Remember China told their people never ever forget what was done to them. They should have never even allowed them to really come here , those asians are more loyal than respectful. They will give their life for their country without thinking so u cant buy dem out and u definitely cannot trust them. Likkle Caribbean and African whey come here fi work dem give a hard time, they have a bigger destruction in mind than isis

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