The bodies newborn twins were discovered on the shore of a beach in Prospect, St. Thomas yesterday.

Reports from the Constabulary Communications Unit CCU, are that the Yallahs Police were summoned to the beach between 1 and 5 p.m, where they saw the bodies of the infants.

They appeared to have been born recently, as the umbilical cord was still attached.

A post mortem examination is to be done on the bodies of the twins.

The police are also asking anyone with information to contact the Yallahs Police at 982-5075, Police 119, emergency number or the nearest police station. Investigations continue.


  1. why didn’t she do as the young miss day before yesterday and just leave the babies in the hospital,better yet why carry out the pregnancy knowing very well you can’t take care of them…stop Phuck without protection on both sides,take morning after if you know something be off i really don’t understand some wicked pluck’n ppl..yuh know how much woman waan baby and can’t have them yet here your womb is being bless and yuh deal aid it like a curse may u neva breed agen

    so annoyed ughhhhhh

    1. no wonder china seh 1 child per house whole or a 2?!?!? something need to give maybe up the punishment for tor something

  2. As disturbing as as this story reads, let’s not be so quick to judge! The police do not know the identity of the mother as yet. It will not take long to establish her identity, someone must know her! Also, none of us know the mental state of the mother at the time of her giving birth. If the babies were born at a hospital, surely the umbilical chords would have been cut and the mother would be known to the hospital. I am not trying to justify what the mother has done, because this is clearly murder, but I am asking for us all to be opened minded until we know the facts.

    1. the young miss wh left the baby at the hospital actually left a 6weeks old baby there she brought him to clinic and while no one was looking left him in the waiting room where nurses found him ..thats why i said do it like the young miss and bring the baby to a hospital,police station,fire dept etc

  3. What a wicked act eeh man??? What a heartless monster… I dont care what kind of state of mind she was in. If har mind could an tell har fi lef them on the beach it could an tell har to leave them at a missionary, or police station, or even on someone’s door step!!! For Christ sake man why is it that some ppl prefer the easy wrong than the hard right?? Lord plz send ur guardian angels to what over these innocent children I beg of u.

  4. Fi all we know could be a mad ooman gave birth and nuh know what to do, so let us wait to hear more fi real.

    It nuh matter the level of poverty you are in, if you find yourself with an unwanted pregnancy then please go to one of those charities or churches and see what can be done for you. If you do not want to follow through with the pregnancy to bond with the child and unsure about the future then go and secure a medical abortion or take the pill, there is no reason in these modern times to go this path, there are too many avenues available.

    If is a sane person do this it is terribly heartbreaking. I can’t even imagine what is going through her head to feel there is no hope and this was the only way to deal with the situation, not to mention the lifelong guilt she will endure for taking this path, is only God will be able to bring peace to her soul. If even for the sake of unno spiritual and mental sanity do not take this path, you set up a lifetime of sorrows for your soul, there are other options available.

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