*Makes sign of the cross* Twinny may God bless your bundle of joy but mi did think to how uno full a experience you would not have a child that a man didnt want…that is nothing to put on line ..it may be the case but no condition is permanent , the father may change his mind.Your rant move me to tears, put all positives into your boy… God bless and do have a safe delivery

hmmm, no Jamaican flag a wonder if it is a yardie who buss a nut and cut? It’s nice to know that she will have a village to help raise her child, even if the father don’t want to be a part of it. I don’t know if I will make it so public to the world and to my child his father didn’t want to be there. I mean he may come around. Good luck on your bundle of joy.
There is no jamaican flag emoji
Wonda if a mario breed har
Why b so open bout the person you slept wit no wanting you or your child!!! You went there with the person… U didn’t realize who u was sleeping with? Or failed to see the signs?? This msg was so about the guy n not even your child… It sound bitter n immature… Your still hurt!!! SMDH
I’m assuming he doesn’t want the child or wants to claim her because she is/was a dancer. My think is why would u f**k her and cum inside of her, wha u think did ago happen???? I wish her all the best though… She has a legit job now so she should be good… And again niggas ain’t shit , never was and never will be!!
yea, this nuh sound like it write wid love inna har heart fi the chile. it sound like she a throw wud pon the man a say even tho u didnt want the baby it will be fine. Move on my girl. Ask God to help u to get rid of all of the bitterness u carrying. it is not good.
Oh boy. Maybe that post save he sanity. Social media is therapy to a lot bcus then ppl comment with support. Men always skeptical when women get pregnant but once baby born things change.
hope the tiny human is well that’s most important
Grea mother DOOMING her child from BIRTH and PUBLICLY ANNOUNCING HIS ABANDONMENT FROM THE WOMB, yeah … I am sure he will have a great future
Some women REALLY need to keep their LEGS closed and their mouths NOT open.
Jackass , congratulations on the birth of your first born, but this is NOT a post for social media mentioning your son is unwanted by his father. Do that in a phone call.
Maybe he waiting till the baby born to see if it IS his, cuz d pum pum had NUFF mileage.
Maybe he is an idiot not facing responsibility .
I admire your excitement , but it is a mother’s duty to love what grows inside her womb and care for it… U claim u will be giving your son EVERYTHING he wants , but u already KILLED his unborn self-esteem. The fact is, same way u DUMB to post d papa don’t want him, same way u will probably speak NEGATIVELY to him about his father BEFOREHAND he is old enough to formulate his OWN opinion or understand man / woman relationships.
– too many bitter women do this and turn our boys into feminine spritis and doomed homosexuals .
– congratulations on your baby. I hope his father comes around. Keep yuh ass OFF of social media, know yourself and hopefully u will find a next man to love you and claim your baby and father him .
Men should stand up from the start and take responsible. If its not his then that the lessen him must rass learn to wear condom from the start.
Good luck girl brace yourself raising a son as a single mother without a father i walked that road n i will never do it again
Many of y’all are ready to judge this girl based off her profession. I am not a fan or her nor the sister but give Caesar what is due to Caesar. She may have taken a wrong approach to take something this personal to social media which may affect her or the innocent child in the long run but like you stated she is indeed hurt & bitter which we’re all human & at some point we all make mistakes which we then regret. It makes no sense to bash and say stuff you aren’t certain about, all these speculation for what? Because she gets naked for a living? I can personally attest to this. Its not all the time you see signs of anything..sometimes all it takes is an unborn to reveal a man’s true identity. I was with someone I loved and was happy with & it was until I got pregnant I found out who he truly was.. You can be with someone for many years and still not know them fully so to say “don’t breed for a deadbeat n so forth” is utterly nonsense. But like someone mentioned sometimes they do come around after the child is born so I hope for the child’s sake, that man will proceed with a DNA if he must and if its his child, play his part because these things do affect children. Pregnancy is not an easy rd to endure alone, much less being a single mother.. Safe delivery my dear!
wonder if a sell she sell some pussy and the man breed her by mistake ???? the man goodly live with him wife
Wonder y she fullblast di poor unborn pickney like dat bout unwanted my girl not everything for ig cut your loses pullup ur boot straps n prepare your journey as a mother raising a male it takes a village to raise a child hope u have yours in place since u say father dont want no part a make sure u get that childsupprt court