As the Unitef Kingdom (UK) had confirmed over 120,000 cased of the coronavirus, human trials of a vaccine are to be conducted on Thursday.
This comes as the UK showed a rise of 873 fatalities to over 17,000, and 129,000 confirmed cases as of Tuesday.
Stating that the coronavirus is challenging because humans can transmit it before they even know they are infected, Health Secretary Matt Hancock, announced that human trials on a potential coronavirus vaccine will begin Thursday April 23, as she announces ploughing £42 million into two vaccine projects.
Oxford University and Imperial College in London are reportedly set to receive £20 million and £22.5 million, respectively this week to work on the vaccine.
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) in Britain has warned that the death toll from the coronavirus could be 40% higher than reported.
Officials are hopeful that the vaccine will be successful.
I know who and their family not taking this vaccine.
Exactly…. Hope them don’t line up black people Over there first.