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Im talking to this police guy he station in mandeville I’m so in love with him he counterattack very well I love’s personality he dress very well and he is a very nice caring person everything about him for me screw up but one thing that pushing me away his that he have his girlfriend he don’t have any kids but he living with his girlfriend .But he show me love he gives me attention an he tell me he love me and miss me everyday and he calls me and those stuff we text everyday he text me 24/7 wen he is at wrk he will call me sometimes and those he always show’s me care everything that a woman need from a man ,
Am so in love with him till it’s hurts From we had s*x I doesn’t stop thinking about him I even had dream about him s*xing me after we had s*x days after I’m still feeling him inside me he can s*x very well he kiss very well too so I’m really in love with him but then again I don’t know if I want to be in a relationship with a man who have his partner I think it’s time for me to have my own .someone who want to build and grow I’m so confused 😔
Plz post for me please I need some advice
Real simpleton. A suh di woman dem desperate fi a share man LOL.
Yuh don’t need advice, yuh need a brain and a lesson in decency. Get an education and stop run down di buddy.
Yam-heads believe anything men tell them. Young girl the man don’t love you, he loves what is between your legs.
Then if he “cares ” so much for you and you seem so satisfied why not BEG him to send you back to school? It hurt my brain so much just trying to read this mess…. Grammar Police ! Where you at ? …As for the rest , you already know what to do, yes you do.
Yamhead season.
Please seek some counselling beloved.
:ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak Counterattack :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak a counteract she waaah seh????? :ngakak heylp ooooooooooo.