August 25, 2020
Mrs Valerie Neita-Robertson, QC Caretaker Candidate Portland Western c/o The People’s National Party 89 Old Hope Road Kingston 6
Dear Mrs Neita-Robertson:
Re: Complaint against Mrs Valerie Neita-Robertson by Mr Daryl Vaz
Reference is made to previous correspondence herein and meetings held on 23rd July and on 28th July with you and Mr Daryl Vaz respectively.
The Social Media post of 3rd. July by Mr Vaz, “… Valerie Neita if you did spend as much time on your case with Court of Appeal as you do on Social Media …you would win something this year…am out…”,
and by you on 12th July, “…My time now…those who are speaking about court…remember I have not been before a court except as Counsel…and I have won some and lost some…but always clean and fair…and there is no statute of limitation for murder or rape so a word to the wise #pickonyuhsize…”
i note also further tweets by you in particular:
• A GIF based on the movie ‘How to get away with murder’, posted on your page, 17th July and
The re-tweet on your page of a 17th. July post by MusChangeDotCom, set out below and attached hereto: “… May the soul of Diane Smith RIP I’m certain all well thinking Jamaicans would agree. Please nuh badda tek dis as an accusation of any sort fi mek yuh lawyer write mi…”
I find that these posts, if made by you, can together be understood as malicious, that is,’ intentionally harmful, mischievous in motivation or purpose’ (Oxford English Dictionary).
85a Duke Street, Kingston, Jamaica, Tel. 876 922-8653/922-0317 Email: [email protected] NEW www.opo.gov.jm
Ensuring Sundards in Politia
The posts may be seen as hurtful and unkind and would therefore be a breach of S4 of the Agreement and Declaration on Political Conduct, which provides: Party officials (including platform speakers) should not make statements which: …Are malicious in reference to opposing candidates, their families and Party officials…
I have heard your explanation provided for your initially referenced post. Your subsequent posts, suggest otherwise. I am of the view that as a Candidate and a senior Attorney, practising at Jamaica’s criminal bar, you would be aware of the allegations that have been made against Mr Vaz. Then, a student overseas, Mr Vaz further maintains that he was away from the island at the operative time.
The use of the words murder, rape and Diane Smith, in a thread and or in your digital space over two to three weeks in tweets which a lay person could construe as an exchange, point to this breach.
Please delete the posts from your page and desist from any such further posts against the Candidate, Mr Vaz.
DAmin Bu
Vaz you is disgusting peice a crap, your behavior for a senior politician is one of a gutter rat. both you and Valrie is mongrels. she nyam out cartel money look at her she ova 60 and a run go in a politics in her damm old age, vaz your damm face twist up like sin
Vaz just a live pon family name, there is nothing to him, and that demeanor of his always look like him smelling shit perpetually. Maybe a him sins set him face suh fi true. At least the pickney dem seem to be living straight lives and nuh look to desire to wallow in the pig sty like him, so him can clap fi himself seh his seeds dem turn out better than him.
Valerie fi handle herself better, you cyaa just jump for the jugular at first provocation. Use diplomacy and wisdom.
him really just a live off the name, but nothing last forever man member next 50 years no one will even look at fi dem last name, mi tell u things a change like wow. i live to see some names that my granny use to talk about no one speak about them anymore and them is just another family lol. Vaz is a disgusting mongrel mi nuh like him. mi wish andrew would kick him out a the party nah lie.
You know seh a true u a talk. Nuff a dem ppl wah used to be the talk of the town weh everybody used to watch long forgotten now, not a soul remember dem heyday or name. But check it, mi live fi see all some a di places weh used to be the place fi build a house tun eena pop dung communities and not a soul a look fi guh deh guh live now, nuff a di house dem wah used to shine just look bruck dung and aged, dem glory days long gone. Time really is the answer to every thing fi real. Everything in dis world is only for a season.
Dirty, dirty Politics, surprised at Neita’s desperation….Vaz you’re known for bhutto behaviour
mi hope andrew kick out nasty vaz out a the party mi dislike the man he is a damm disgusting animal man, but wait karma must reach you one way or another.
A so neita did stay ?…well she gonna get a flogging at the polls . Bout she run go Portland and whether win lose or draw as polls over she back in Kingston just like Damion and lots of other politicians.
He always looks sweaty and grimy, yuck. I wonder if he smells raw like fish?
What happened to the parish that was lost, Ann Marie find it yet?