1. A n***er bitch at that.

      He meant nothing less and if a so him feel bout har, then a so him feel bout all a we.

    1. No he meant dog as is in black dog … I can’t even understand how a black person can call them self American

      1. You know what Donald Trump means? Girl bye!
        You can tell all those people who ancestors built America on their blood, sweat and tears that they shouldn’t call themselves American? Because of him?! He is not America miss.

  1. He will NOT be removed froom office, I don’t know why any of us think that is going to happen. He represents America and AmeriKKKa is RACIST to the core. He is saying what a lot of whites have been saying for decades if not centuries.

  2. Omarosa is a turn coat….i have no sympathy for her. If Donald welcome her back to the White House, she would gladly go back. He was a great man until she got fired.

  3. Why on earth the potus calling a former employee a low life and a dog? Can one man be so disrespectful thou and still in the position he’s in? This is a disgrace.

  4. A could neva me dat class so!

    At this juncture I care naught what omorossa did before today…me a side wid har against this subhuman dog shit.

    That rass clearly read say him give a nigger woman an opportunity to come to the main house and she phuck it up. Him go dig up and suck him mumma dust and bones.

    1. The enemy of my enemy is my friend!!..come tru mi gal Omarosa and dun this orange orangutan..if Pence wasn’t satan grandson I would’ve wished dem assassinate him bumbo hole.

  5. He will not resign, the republican party will not ask him to resign, America will have to VOTE them out. I hope I am wrong but I see him winning again in 2020.

  6. So we all going to forget how Omarosa disrespect the black community for this same narcissistic pig? Let her fight the battle on her own, he could have called her Jancrow for all I care and NO I am not buying your book Omarosa, Trump should have just called you a Nigger! you damn uncle tom foolery of a human being, She/It has no support from me a fellow black Sister, Didn’t she vote for him? Girl Bye. Done har trump done har, call her a stink bitch because that is who she is, a damn bitch.

    1. Agraaaaay agreeeee! Me not even a look at she! Its a Pitty she wasn’t being interviewed by a well rounded journalist and not that walk over journalist! Trump shudda spit pan r!

  7. Agree with alot of the comments, ano 2:44 well said. She was dancing with the Devil and she was his black face during the election, go and lick your wounds. Trump is his worst enemy a very hateful man and a BULLY. Alot is said behind closed doors with a room full of white people, they think it’s safe to be a racist. The difference is now alot of them have mixed grand children, inlaws etc.

  8. Look here people unnuh ever think there was a method to omorosa’s madness? The gal been have har plan from the get go. Keep your enemy close. Omorosa know wha she a duh. Just be careful mi gal. Yuh Nuh wha end up dead “accidentally”

  9. Play what game?? She still using white media to get her message out and white publishing company. They are the ones playing her to sell books and get viewers. She ain’t shit. Don’t care what she has to say. Money talk and bullshit walk. Time is the master of all things. These white people will f themselves in due time. Nothing last forever but salvation. No one riegn forever.

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