When the Lord saw her, He had compassion on her and said to her, “Do not weep.” Then He came and touched the open coffin, and those who carried him stood still. And He said, “Young man, I say to you, arise.” So he who was dead sat up and began to speak. And He presented him to his mother. Luke 7:13 – 15

Shortly after healing the Roman officer’s slave in Capernaum, Jesus and His disciples visited Nain. As they approached the gate of the village, they met a heart broken widow, leading a funeral procession; she was going to bury her only son! What a painful loss, that flooded the master’s heart with compassion and He said to her “Weep not!” I can hear Him saying the same thing to you today as you mourn over your loss; loss in your health, financial loss, marital loss and above all the death of a loved one.

Weep not! Jesus is alive and fully in control. Weep not, because that sickness is not unto death. Weep not because that yoke or ancestral curse that has kept you rising and falling in business was nailed on the cross with Jesus. Your deliverance is at hand! Weep not over your marriage that has hit the rock, Jesus can put things back together again. And don’t even weep over the loved who is dead and gone because the dead in Christ shall live again. Weep not my son! Daughter, weep not, it is well with you.

Just as Jesus walked over, touched the coffin and told the dead boy to get up, I speak to everything that is dead in your life, I command it to get up in the mighty name of Jesus!

Liberation thought: Jesus is the friend that sticks closer than a brother

Further reading: Mark 5:35 – 43


I command every dry bone in my life to receive life, in the name of Jesus!
Let the fire of the Holy Ghost consume every arrow of death shot against me and my family, in the name of Jesus

One thought on “WEEP NOT- GOOD MORNING

  1.  I speak to everything that is dead in your life, I command it to get up in the mighty name of Jesus! Words to awaken the soul & warms the heart.

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