What can you see?
Then the Lord told him, “Make a replica of a poisonous snake and attach it to the top of a pole. Those who are bitten will live if they simply look at it!” Numbers 21:8
What you see as a child of God is crucial to who you eventually become and what will ultimately happen in your life. God promised to give Abraham every piece of land his eyes could see after he separated himself from lot. If technology was as advanced back then as it is today, Abraham would probably had bought a pair of binoculars and a helicopter to fly him around the whole region so he could see and inherit the biggest portion of land available. When the children of Israel were attacked by poisonous snakes in the wilderness God told Moses to fabricate a bronze serpent and hang it on a pole so that whoever looked at it after a bite will be healed.
The same principle worked for Jacob when he needed to create his own wealth after fruitlessly serving Laban for over a decade. He cut a deal that made him owner of every spotted animal in the ranch. Then God gave him wisdom on how to prosper under the circumstances. He peeled a pop tree stick and put it for the animals to look at while they drank water and mated. The animal saw the spots on the stick and reproduced the same in their offspring. Make a conscious effort to crowd your mind with images of what you want to see happen in your life or the person you want to become. If you are barren fill your mind with images of Children. If you want to be rich, let images of affluence and luxury crowd you mind, by the anointing of God upon my life I declare in Jesus mighty name receive a mighty miracle. Enter into a land flowing with milk and honey in Jesus name!
Liberation thought: As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.
Further reading: Genesis 30:29 – 43
- Lord Jesus, cleanse my spiritual sight so that I can see clearly every blessing God has blessed me with in heavenly realms.
- I reject every vision or image of my life that the devil is using to rob me of my divine destiny in Jesus name.